Education - Expat Magazine

The US will terminate foreign student visas if their courses have moved online
The US will terminate foreign student visas if their courses have moved online
Foreign students whose university classes have moved fully online will see their visas repealed and will be asked to leave the United States as early as this September this year. A decision judged unfair by many.
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting student exchange programs ?
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting student exchange programs ?
Student exchange programs are a great option for those who are looking to discover new cultures abroad while benefiting from high-level education. Every year, thousands of students embark on a new adventure abroad thanks to these programs. However, the COVID-19 crisis altered the trend this year, even though border restrictions are being lifted gradually. If you had planned to go on a student exchange program this year, here is what you need to know.
Australia to keep borders closed but welcomes international students
Australia to keep borders closed but welcomes international students
A couple of weeks earlier, the news of Australia keeping its borders closed until 2021 was quite surprising, even though it was understood as a way to prevent a second wave of COVID-19. Last week, however, the government announced that it would only welcome international students. What does this mean for Australia?
Will you study abroad after the COVID-19 crisis?
Will you study abroad after the COVID-19 crisis?
What will universities and schools look like this fall and later on? If you are currently planning to study abroad or are looking back at the plans you made before the COVID-19 pandemic, here's what you should know.
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Some would say that it's too early to speak about moving abroad in the current context, but let's remain objective. While many countries around the world have been seriously affected by the coronavirus, others have managed to control its spread by taking necessary measures. The lockdown has come to an end in many countries, borders are opening gradually, and flights are resuming, under certain conditions. This doesn't mean that you should go right ahead and book a flight, but maybe you could start all over again with planning your move abroad.
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
You will agree that moving abroad, whether alone or with your family, has never been an easy thing. It's, therefore, crucial to have proper planning, but above all, keep in mind that things won't always turn out as planned. If the global health crisis has compromised your stay abroad, here are some tips for survival.
Learning the language of your host country: A few tips
Learning the language of your host country: A few tips
Thibauld, who lives and works in Stockholm, has written a guide to help expats learn the language of their host country. He tells about what he has learnt and gives us a few tips.
Measures to boost the post-COVID-19 economy around the world
Measures to boost the post-COVID-19 economy around the world
The health crisis linked to the spread of coronavirus has had a strong impact on world economies. While some countries are still in the middle of the crisis, others have come out of the lockdown and are taking action to give a boost and new life to their economy. Let's see together what are the measures implemented by some nations.
Post COVID-19: schools around the world are reopening
Post COVID-19: schools around the world are reopening
Life is slowly getting back to normal in many countries around the world as the lockdown ends. Even though health risks relating to the COVID-19 pandemic are still real, schools have also started reopening, under certain conditions. Here's an overview of what's going on around the world.
Travelling from Portugal to Italy in times of the COVID-19
Travelling from Portugal to Italy in times of the COVID-19
Umberto is an Italian expatriate who has lived in Algarve for a few years. He returned from Portugal to Italy last week. Here is how he organized his travels and the formalities at borders.
Managing anxiety and mourning during COVID-19
Managing anxiety and mourning during COVID-19
Given the current travel restrictions around the world, it would be difficult for expatriates to travel in case one of their relatives gets sick or passes away. Managing the situation remotely, being unable to say a last goodbye to a dear one isn't an easy task. To avoid serious repercussions on our psycho-physical state, here is some advice from Dr. Brusadelli. She has worked for many years in Italy, both in the public and private spheres, carrying out numerous collaborations with other mental health professionals. Today, she lives and works in Australia. Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Wollongong, a coastal city that is about forty miles from Sydney, Dr. Brusadelli is a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, the Society for Personality Assessment and the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology. She is a supervising psychologist in training and an expert in psychodiagnostics.
COVID-19: What you should do if you go broke abroad
COVID-19: What you should do if you go broke abroad
Economic downturn due to the coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact on the global labour market – with shorter working hours for some and the risk of being laid-off for others. This situation is of much concern for thousands of students around the world, as well as working-holidayers. Here are some tips to guide you in case you go broke, until things get better.
The impact of COVID-19 on international studies
The impact of COVID-19 on international studies
Studying abroad is the dream of thousands of students around the world. This year, however, many are seeing their dreams being crushed. Others, still, are trying to redefine their plans due to the coronavirus pandemic. If you are one of them, how likely are you to study abroad?
COVID-19: Life after lockdown in China
COVID-19: Life after lockdown in China
While local authorities are taking strict measures to prevent a second wave of COVID-19 infections, life is slowly getting back to normal in China. Four expats in China talk to about their experience during the lockdown and how they are expecting things to be in the coming weeks.
Interview: How expat students are coping with being abroad during the COVID-19 crisis
Interview: How expat students are coping with being abroad during the COVID-19 crisis
Not one economic sector or population segment is left unscathed by the current health crisis linked to the COVID-19. Schools closing have affected the world of education everywhere around the world. Enakshee, a Mauritian student living in Vancouver shares with us how she is coping with this crisis.
Working from home during the COVID-19: A few tips from the team
Working from home during the COVID-19: A few tips from the team
New week for the team. Unlike other weeks, however, we are all working from home because… well because of the COVID-19 outbreak, obviously. And, because a lot of you have probably transitioned to remote working in the last few days, we thought we would share with you how we are getting things done while working in the comfort of our homes.
Recognition of foreign qualifications: How it works
Recognition of foreign qualifications: How it works
Looking to work abroad? But what about your qualifications? To find the best bet to boost your career overseas, obtaining the recognition of your diplomas is an essential step. But is the recognition system similar in every country around the world? Let's find out.
Studying abroad on a budget!
Studying abroad on a budget!
Studying abroad is not only fun, it also promotes personal growth like no other experience does. It is more and more common for young people to study outside of their country of birth or the country where they have completed their primary and secondary studies. While there has been a democratisation, there is still a perception that studying abroad is a “rich people's thing”. attempts to bust this myth.