Plane landing at 01:00 AM


My plane should land in Dakar airport at 01:00 AM.

I am going to Saint-Louis

I would rather avoid going in and out of Dakar city

I guess it will be very improbable to get direct transport from the airport to Saint-Louis in the middle of the night

What should I do?

Wait until morning? Is it ok to just wait in the airport for some many hours?

Would it possible to go to Thiès? Maybe a (paid) hotel transfer? Or possibly a taxi or similar?

Any suggestions and hints are very welcome, please

I am 74 years old and will be travelling only with a 5 Kg backpack. I speak reasonable French.

Thank you very much

Antonio ****@[link moderated]

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Hi Tony Tommy,

Sorry I missed this: I can help. Have you already set off yet?

Short answer, I can put you in touch with an excellent driver service: Milo Travel. Milo travel has never let me down.

So, there are 2 options. I arrive at 2am but often have to work at 9am the next day - so, I go to an awesome Air bnb in either Popenguine or Toubab Dialaw. Either places are about 30 mins from the airport and the roads are good. Get the hotel/air bnb's address and put it into Google maps (or equivalent), this saves you getting lost when the driver picks you up.

If you don't mind driving at night or you really need to be in Saint-Louis first thing, the main roads there are also good. Generally I would avoid driving at night - not for any security reasons but simply that one of the biggest causes of death in Senegal (and elsewhere) is road traffic accidents, and night time incidents are worse. Just my thoughts on this, but of course there have been times when I have had to drive at night and the road to Saint-Louis is good.

Worst case scenario, there are lots of taxi drivers waiting when you exit the airport, it should be fairly easy to negotiate prices. You shouldn't face any security risks, just make sure you negotiate well.

For any of the above scenarios, once driving on the road, don't hesitate to ask the driver to slow down if they are driving too fast or erratically. 'Def Ndank' - take it easy, slow don a bit.

Hope that helps a bit.

Best wishes.