Conversion of UAE Driving License as UAE Expats moving 6o Belgium


I lived in Dubai for more than 10 years as Expat. I have recently relocated to Belgium and want to exchange my driving license issued in Dubai. Can anyone guide me what documents will be required for exchange. I am currently living in Brussels and driving using my IDP but heard that may need to Exchange my license after 185 days.

Everything's here … g-licences

If your license is still valid and looks like the ones here: … mirats.pdf

Good news you can swap for a Belgian one.

Just go to your local Commune/Gemeente and they will guide and help to initiate the process.

P.S: I am curious why did you left Dubai for Belgium?

@pmichelazzo thanks I was curious what I need to provide as proof of residence as I was expat in Dubai.

@Edigj I checked local commune and they ask me to provide the proof of residence which I didnt understand a much due to language barier. You are right I missed Dubai a lot but this was my job relocation.

@Edigj I checked local commune and they ask me to provide the proof of residence which I didnt understand a much due to language barier. You are right I missed Dubai a lot but this was my job relocation.

They want proof of your residency in Belgium.

@RIND12 Hello. I am also in the same situation. Did you manage to convert the driving license?

@RIND12 Hi. I am also in the same situation. Did you manage to convert your driving license?