South Africans in Nairobi

Hi all.

My name is Kerwyn, and I am moving from South Africa to Nairobi next week for about 2 years to start a new job. I am so excited to start this new adventure. I have worked on projects in Zambia, Malawi, Gabon and DRC, and I have really enjoyed visiting and experiencing the homes of SA's neighbours on the continent.

I would love to get in touch with other South African expats to ask for some advice etc.

Hope to hear from some of you soon 1f603.svg

@Kerwie_F welcome to Kenya it's such a beautiful place.Incase you are yet to find a place to live please get in touch with me on *** I will be happy to help.

Thank you 🙏

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello everyone and welcome Kerwie !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Nairobi forum so that members may reach out to you,

Have you already settled everything for your move ?

@ Purie Amalia, welcome ! Please note that contact details should be shared through the private messaging system by clicking on the member's username > send a message.

All the best


@Bhavna Hi there Bhavna. Thanks for creating the new thread. You have the same name as one of my best friends back here in SA 1f603.svg.

Almost everything is sorted. The only thing still in the air a little bit is banking and possibly outpatient healthcare.

I'm lucky enough that the company I am moving there to work for has provided me with accommodation, inpatient healthcare and a few other benefits.

Kind regards,

Kerwyn Fourie

Thank you @Bhavna for that.@kerwyn you are one truly blessed human ...I hope you find happiness here in Kenya

Hello everyone,

I would like to inform you that advertising is not permitted on the forum, so certain posts have been removed.

I kindly request you consider registering your services in the Nairobi business directory. 1f601.svg


Cheryl team