Looking to hire a generator and UPS/inverter

@Julien Morning. I am not an expat. I am currently in Madagascar doing a live TV production, or trying to but as you would know we are having major electricity issues. I am looking to hire a generator and UPS/inverter in Antananarivo and I am not sure where to start. I would appreciate any assistance or direction please

@David van der Sandt


I can try to get a solution for you.

what power generation would you need and for how long?

In fact if you only need in the region of 7 to 9 KVA ( can run the average house for a couple of hours at a time) it would worlk out cheaper to buy one and then sell it when the project is finished.

feel free to whatsapp me on ***

Moderated by Bhavna last year
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Hello everyone,

Welcome on board, David Van der Sandt !

Please note that I have cerated a new thread from your post on the Antananarivo forum so that you may better exchange ideas with members.

Maybe you could post an advert in the Antananarivo classifieds to get some offers.

All the best
