Moving to Nairobi

Thank you, my name is Zakariya Abdul Rahman. I am planning on moving to Nairobi around November or December. I am coming there to do a nikah with my fiancé. ware are looking for a place to live for around 20.000 or 25.000 shillings a month. I am white and she is a Kenyan woman. right now I will be using my ssi for rent and food. she wants to work doing housekeeping. Maybe someone could help us.

My name is Wendy, and I'll help you find a home.

You can email me on ***

Moderated by Bhavna 11 months ago
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
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Hello everyone,

@Zakariya Abdul Rahman, please create an advert in the Housing in Nairobi section of the website. You will definitely get some offers.

All the best


@Wendy Rahim

they blocked you email


It is unsafe to post any contact details here on the open forum. That is why the email address has been deleted from the post. If you wish to contact a member you can do so using the message system.

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