Biometric fingerprint test alternative at QVC

Biometric fingerprint failed at QVC. Is there any alternative biometric test other than fingerprint that can be done so that I can complete medical. If someone aware of please help.

@Laila Anwar

I would suggest to put olive oils on both hands, with gloves on and leave it whole night. Try giving biometric next day.

If still don't work, request them to take fingerprint manually with ink and paper.

I am trying from 17th july 2023 my visa is going to expire on 14th October 2023 and no result.


I have been trying on with Vaseline.

Qvc officials informed me that machine have to recognize my fingerprint.

I will request them.

Thank you for the advice.


I got to know from one of the QVC official that, if it's unable to provide fingerprint, first visit Qatar on visit visa and contact the authorities in Qatar ministry and inform that fingerprint is not registering. Then get a iris scan done from Qatar and bring the certificate and complete medical. I'm not sure how much it's correct. They just told me this after being enquiring a lot. I enquired regarding this to many and they are not aware of this. Please ask the QVC official about this. They didn't provide clear explanation on this. As your visa is going to expire, ask them if this is possible. Or else request them for ink and paper for fingerprint as adviced by @Abdul_expatriateIT.

I don't know is it affordable to travel to Qatar on visit visa for everyone.

@Laila Anwar

Best of luck Laila. If you have been offered a job, you should not miss it even if you have to travel on a visit visa to conduct your fingerprint.


Hi my wife also facing same problem. Her visa going to expire they take ink fingerprint before 2 weeks but still not yet approved. What happened in your case after that? Did they take ink fingerprint? Pls share your experience

    I am trying from 17th july 2023 my visa is going to expire on 14th October 2023 and no result.


Hi my wife also facing same problem. Her visa going to expire they take ink fingerprint before 2 weeks but still not yet approved. What happened in your case after that? Did they take ink fingerprint? Pls share your experience

@GuestPoster1411 hello what happned later for your fingerprint


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