Opportunities to work in Uk as Asian

Dear all,

Trust all is well these days.

I'm from Vietnam, I wonder there is opportunities to work in England for a Vietnamese?

I have bachelor degree in Business Administration, experiences to work as Business consultant around some Asia countries, also opened my own business for 5 years in Ho Chi Minh, just closed Bcz I would like to explore more. Besides, I got some certificates in theology, biology. I'm very good at selling and customer services stuff I suppose.

With all that qualifications, what kind of jobs and country I could work there?

All advises are appreciated and welcome. Thank you so much.



Till members share their feedback, feel free to create your CV in the Jobs in England section of the website.

Try to see if you are eligible for a skilled worker visa by searching for your profession here : https://www.gov.uk/government/publicati … -and-codes

You may also read the articles of the Work in England section to gather as much information as possible.

All the best


@Bhavna hi thank you so much, I sent my resume and now are under review.

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

There are no special rules for Asians in regard to UK work permits.  The UK Government has a website where individuals can look for work; this link will take you straight to it.  Further, the information related to Work Visas can be found in another section of the UK Gov website; this link will take you straight to it.

My advice would be to join LinkedIn, and then reach out to your peers who are already working in the UK to find out which companies are hiring and where.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team