Do Vietnamese women like to date Indian American men

Hi. I am an Indian American moving to Ho Chi Minh City next year. I want to live there long term. However, I also want to get married and have children. I was wondering if I have any chance of dating a Vietnamese woman. If I have a very slim chance of meeting a woman who wants to date me, I might reconsider moving to Vietnam. I see a lot of questions about do Vietnamese women like to date foreigners but 99% of the time that is meant as white men.

I have several Indian colleagues who live here with their Vietnamese wives.

By Indian American, did you mean Native American or Asian Indian American?

@yng68bld Asian

If that is the case then I've seen plenty of Idian-Viet couples in VN.  You will not have problem finding a lady.  BTW, before 1975 there was a big Indian community in Sai Gon (HCM now) but due to the war most of them took their families back to India.

@BobbyM Haha... Yes, you are right Bobby. I am a VNese girl who want to have a date with a radical, naitive American man here now. Your message came to my mail box this morning and made me laugh out loud. But I think isn't there any problem if we get to know each other as friends by now? My email: ***. Welcome your message all the time.

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@BobbyM Colour does not come in to it if stability and money are guaranteed. Love as well. They like sex a lot but don't flaunt themselves and are not sluttly in my experience. Being reasonably good looking helps, then again it does anywhere on earth. Best of luck. Ed.

@Ed Howard Williams. What you said is true but you need to consider what people in other countries consider beautiful. A lot of the people in Asian countries feel the lighter the skin the better. People actually lighten their skin because they think they look better. Also there are animosities between different countries and people. This is why I was thinking as a foreigner with darker skin than vietnamese and as an Indian if I would be considered datable or husband material to vietnamese woman. When it comes to personality and maturity, I know vietnamese women want the same as every other woman. This is why I asked the question so I get a feeling of what Vietnamese women think of marrying Indian men

    @Ed Howard Williams. What you said is true but you need to consider what people in other countries consider beautiful. A lot of the people in Asian countries feel the lighter the skin the better. People actually lighten their skin because they think they look better. Also there are animosities between different countries and people. This is why I was thinking as a foreigner with darker skin than vietnamese and as an Indian if I would be considered datable or husband material to vietnamese woman. When it comes to personality and maturity, I know vietnamese women want the same as every other woman. This is why I asked the question so I get a feeling of what Vietnamese women think of marrying Indian men


I wouldn't write this if you weren't asking for the truth:

You, a US CITIZEN w/passport, Indian (Asian) American man WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH WITH AN AMERICAN ACCENT will probably not have a major problem eventually meeting and getting to know a Vietnamese woman IN THE MAJOR CITIES where foreigners tend to visit & live IF (as mentioned above) women consider you handsome, you have a good, reliable income (and some modest net worth) and you have a good sense of style.

However, in rural areas here, there is a distinct prejudice against Asian Indian people.

Even in the major cities, you are still likely to run into situations where you'll experience bad behavior that seems discriminatory. 

It's worth noting that you aren't mentioning anything about yourself except your race/ethnicity, Bobby...

@OceanBeach92107. I did not want to talk about specifics because this is a public forum.

Basic information. I am in my 30s and make upper middle class income in America, never married.

Why is there prejudice like you suggested

    @OceanBeach92107. I did not want to talk about specifics because this is a public forum.
Basic information. I am in my 30s and make upper middle class income in America, never married.
Why is there prejudice like you suggested


You really want the specific answer?

You definitely won't like it...

Everybody on the forum so far say they have seen many Indian/vietnamese couples so I would llike to know your reasoning


Basically both points of view are reliant on anecdotal information.   In order to have a meaningful picture one would need a number of South Indian men from both India and other countries and whether they a) did not seek, b) successfully courted,  or c) sought but were rejected by Viet women.   Of course such statistics don't exist.  As such it seems that your only recourse is to move to Vietnam and take your chances.   First you will need a good job without which you have no chances.   Secondly focus on HCMC as that was good advice.

One other thing:  Have you asked yourself why you have never married by the time you got to your mid-thirties?   

People in the countryside and rural areas may have never seen a foreigner before, and their behaviors can come across as prejudice. Viet people have some weird ways of expressing their curiosity, especially toward foreigners, but once they get to know you, they welcome you with open arms to their villages and homes. Don't be surprised to be invited to a Dam Gio (dead anniversary), a karaoke drinking party in the middle of your road trip, or locals stopping by to help when your bike breaks down on the road. The locals will try their best to communicate with limited and broken English along with hand gestures.  Be also prepared to be asked for selfies with the locals.  It is just their ways of showing off to friends via pics of meeting a foreigner.  Of course there will always be a small percentage of people being rude and disrespectful but it is what it is everywhere in the world.

@THIGV First I would like to say that I have a good income . I will continue to get that level of income. I do not know if you know about income in America but in the suburbs I would be considered to have a upper middle class income ( you need a lot more money to have a upper middle class lifestyle in the cities).

Also when it comes to not getting married yet it is because of personal family reasons that I did not settle down and get married.  Again this is a public forum. In your opinion ,if I do move to Vietnam do you feel that my best place  would be  to move to Ho Chi Minh City is because of its more foreign interactions or is it because of something else?


With regard to marriage in Vietnam, there are two factors to consider:

1) Vietnam finds itself alongside countries such as China and India when it comes to skewed sex ratios (gender imbalance). There are already 1.2 million more boys than girls among Vietnamese under the age of 19, according to the 2019 census.

What's behind Vietnam's worsening sex ratio imbalance? … a-66685508

2) On the other hand, there is a multitude of single moms who are actively looking for husbands to be fathers for their children.

I would also add that, in my experience, HCMC is a rather unpleasant city to live in.

@BobbyM why must be Vietnamese woman. :) anyway you come and see. you may meet your destiny at the corner.