Zimbabwe Birth Certificate/ National Identity card


i I am posting on behalf of my father in law, we are trying to obtain his birth certificate, National Identity card and right of abode that was issued in 1991 from Zimbabwe from here in the UK.

Can anyone provide any direction or help please


Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Have you tried contacting the Zimbabwean Embassy in London?  They have a FB page which has their contact information; this link will take you straight to it.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

Yes i have and they advised i need to get someone who can gain access to Zimbabwe to get these documents on our behalf and want to know how we go about this or if someone can recommend anyone they have used

Then I was going to suggest you check out our Zimbabwean section, but having checked I can see you already have.  The only advice I can offer is that it is highly unlikely that some guy called George can supply you with a copy of any type of Government documentation, he/she is more likely some kind of scammer.


Expat Team

Do you have any family members still in Zimbabwe?