Working in IT with a computer science license degree


I'm currently studying computer science for 3 years in France in order to get my license degree. I would like to know if it's possible to work in IT in Japan with a license, i'm not really sure to study up to a master degree. Of course, before working, i will study in a language school to get N2/N1.

Thank you!


Hello and welcome !

Have you searched on recruitment websites/portals to see what posts are advertised and their requirements ?

Find out more by reading the Finding a job and working in Japan article. You will find some interesting facts.

All the best


Hey Teddy,Not sure if this is repost, but check out; there are many listings for IT positions. Keep me posted and let me know if this information helped. Happy hunting!!

Hello everyone, thanks for your answers. I checked at a lot of job offer and i got surprised that a lot of them ask for at least a bachelor degree or a diploma in computer science. Of course some ask for a master but i think i can still try my luck on other offers !