UK-trained Registered Nurse working in Brussels

Bonjour à tous

Just a quick ‘caste of the net' to see if there are any expat Registered Nurses active in here- preferably from UK/AUS/CAN/USA??

I'm a British-trained Registered Nurse  who is a “trailing spouse”/dependant. Because of the joys of Brexit & us taking back control (**EYE ROLL**)… I am unable to be employed on my current visa status.

HOWEVER- I start full-time French tuition from January 24 with the goal to reach B2 by July 24. I'll concurrently get my credentials endorsed by NARIC (I did my pre-registration trg in 2004 so hoping the EU Directive curriculum will allow a seamless recognition.

It would be amazing to chat to an expat who has actually been through the process and who could offer their wisdom. My impression is- there appears to be LOTS of jobs in hospitals in Brussels. I've got nearly 20yrs experience in nursing (hospital & community based) & a STRONG motivation to learn French so I can contribute while here.

So, with language and a single permit to work - am I being realistic???:)

Responses welcomed on a postcard!



Ciao you can apply for international agencies or public health system in other EU countries : Malta Denmark rtc and in the entire world