Dream to live in SOUTH KOREA

Hi everybody

My name is Sandy, masseur kinésithérapeute in france, so physiotherapist for the world

I dream to live in korea with my kids (I'm already 48) and work there.. i'm learning korean language and japanese, but i don't know if it's possible to realyse.. perhaps i'm too old.. or not the good job.. Someone knows if it's possible for french physiotherapist to work there?

Thank you so much if you can help me..

see you

Hi Sandy, why is it your dream to live in Korea? Have you been there?

Yes, last year.  I like their behaviour, their soul,  kindness, education system,  they are so hardworker... and what's a nice country !! France is so durty and People irrespectful


Hello and welcome !

Feel free to read the articles of the Living in South Korea guide for expats, specially the ones related to work to know about what is needed for you to land an opportunity.

All the best


It's awesome that you have an interest in living in Korea. While 48 isn't too old, being a physiotherapist may present some challenges with certification/language skills. But don't lose hope - keep practicing your Korean and checking into certification options. There could also be opportunities at international clinics. My advice would be to start networking now within the expat community for potential leads. Wishing you the best as you pursue your dream!


Thank you so much for your advices !! I'm more motivate right now

I'm glad to hear you're feeling more motivated to pursue your dream. Keep practicing your Korean -  found this site is a great resource to improve your language skills https://www.howtostudykorean.com/unit1/unit-1-lessons-1-8/unit-1-lesson-1/

Reading up on tourism stats and facts about Korea on sites like https://gowithguide.com/blog/south-korea-tourism-statistics-2023-all-you-need-to-know-5254 can also help you learn more specifics as you research options. You've clearly put a lot of thought and effort into this goal already. Wishing you all the best as you continue down this path. Feel free to reach back out if any other questions come up.