A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala

I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

@sabestuf I can recommend a good immigration attorney if you DM me.


Hello and welcome !

What visa do you want to apply for ?



@Bhavna Thank you for your response. I need a tourist visa for my wife and two children.

@geekscum please I'm need of a guarantor, to issue me an invitation for a tourist visa to Guatemala.

I can recommend a good immigration attorney, but I don't know anyone who could act as your guarantor. I've never used one so I don't know how you go about finding one.

But can an attorney not be a guarantor?

@geekscum okay, please can you recommend me with the attorney? you can get me on my email address. **

Moderated by Bhavna 4 months ago
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@Bhavna consulted visa, or tourist visa.

@iyokemmanuel I sent you a private message.

@geekscum please can i get you on WhatsApp?

I'm currently in the same situation and i need guarantor for a visa in Guatemala. I'm coming with my canadian fiancée.  P

I have sent you the contact info for my attorney by PM, hope it helps. FYI you should expect to pay for legal advise and services.

@iyokemmanuel I just asked my attorney because I didn't know, but she says yes and she is for a number of clients already.