Getting married to Algerian in Romania

Hi everyone and Merry Christmas.

Websites was no help to understand what i have to do and i hope someone here will put me in the right direction.

I am romanian living in Uk ,my partner it is Algerian .We tried to get married in Uk but visa takes forever (have 5 months waiting already)and as the immigration law change in March 2024  we do not have enough time to fit under old law .They will increase the sponsor income requirements from £18.600 to 38.700 ,impossible for me to get a job pays me that money.

We decided to get married in Romania .Can anyone tell me please what type of  visa he need,it is schengen ok thinking Romanian is not in ? What are the steps to take please? Thank you

He will need a Romania C/VV visit visa.  Requirements can be found by searching the forum as it's been discussed at length, or at
