New members of the Peru forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

Hi all,

Newbie on the Peru forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Peru if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!


Thinking about retiring down there maybe in the future years to Mancora. I am 70 yr. old retiree with $1800/month income. Living in Missouri now and tired of the winters here. Brrrr   

Looking to move down there in the future. Can't get the wife to do it.


Hello and welcome !

I hope you'll manage to convince her. Has she ever visited Peru ?

Feel free to read the Living in Peru guide for expats and to open a fresh topic on the Peru forum to seek advice from members.

All the best



No, she has never been down there. Her health is getting bad but she is still getting around pretty well. I think she doesn't want to travel that far and be away from her kids here in Missouri. I am 8 yrs. younger than her and my health is excellent . we'll see what happens in a few years. I've never been there either but many years ago when I was in the military I was over in the orient in Okinawa, south korea, and the phillipines so I have been overseas. My whole family has died and gone now so I would like a change and would sell my house and move if I could right now. The cost of living up here is getting way out of hand and I could save money living there also. I grew up in Yuma Arizona when I was little for 14 yrs, so I do know a little Spanish because I lived 8 miles from Mexico border. I'll stay in touch and like meeting new people  for sure. Take care and God bless.  Wilford Wilson  Hasta la vista senorita.


You should totally book a discovery trip to Peru. Maybe with friends or children/grandchildren. A short trip just to get a feel of what it is like with someone eager to go on adventure with you.

Share your thoughts with your closed ones. Even better, if you can enquire from a travel agency. Short trips/packages are very popular.

All the best


My name is Jeff Chauvet. I am a US citizen, 65 years old , and Retired 18 months ago . I am living in Piura with my wife , and granddaughters. It has been a challenge to say the least . I can not learn the language fast enough to suit me. It is warm, and the food is good. I love the plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables available year round. Driving here is not for the faint of heart. There is very little consideration for other drivers here, and traffic laws are not enforced, or followed. except for the main hiway , the roads are in terrible condition. Potholes everywhere, and your car will scrape on the too numerous speed bumps. when it rains , the roads flood, and you can not see the potholes . Your car takes a beating. Piura is very crowded during rush hour, and I try to avoid being out driving at that time. I have found items that i need or want at the supermarkets, and at the open markets, and hard to find items on facebook Marketplace. I have found you can be very happy here. You must keep and open mind, be resourseful, and be patient. This is a different culture than the culture i grew up with. If you can accept that , Peru might be a good place for you.


It's a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for your detailed introduction. Your insights into the local dynamics offer a glimpse into the vibrant life of Piura.

We're excited to share in your experiences and learn more about your adventure in Peru. Feel free to participate on the Peru forum.

Welcome to the community, Jeff!



In regards to your problem speaking Spanish. There is a App in Google play store for a free download called Translate. All you have to do is set it up from English to Spanish and speak into the app and say something in English and it will show you the Spanish words. It is a complex language because there are alot of different slangs depending where you live in central or south america. You will find though that some of the words are similar to English ie: familia is family and so on. Hope this helps. I'm still living in the US but would like to retire there in the future. The cost of living is inexpensive compared to US as I am living only on my Social Security Wages. Take care. Take care. Hasta la Vista Amigo.

Gracias Amigo, I will definately look into it.

De Nada

@Jeffchauvet  Hi Jeff.  Piura is definetly small town!  I have been there for a couple days, and love the fruit and farms!  Driving is interesting, but don't let them see the whites of your eyes! :-)  I am looking at Trujillo if I am not impressed with Argentina.

@wilfordwilson418  Mancora is awesome! tempted to move there myself! :-)  Reminds me of San Clemente 40 years ago.

@trentg    Only  problem I have right now is the wife is afraid to live in another country because of crime against ex pats. We'll see what happens in future. Peace


mmm..  never experienced that in Peru.   Some in Bolivia.  Depending on where you live now, and where in Peru it might be safer there. :-) 


Hello from Madeleine Edwards, I will  be moving to Lima from UK I also lived in USA Michigan, I speak

Spanish fluently I would love to help you if are willing to dedicated a hour or more,  I worked as an

Executive Assistant in USA.   Moving to Lima I can't stand the British weather :)  particularly on the North

used to live on the South I come to York just to see the green areas  which is lovely.

Hope to be of assistance,

