Semi-Retirement in Belize

Thanks for your help!

I planning to semi-retire in Belize, have a pension that covers 50% of the required minimum income for a QRP Qualification. On the other hand I like to start a business in Belize that doesn't include the mandatory 5 local employees since I am underwater photographer and simply want to spend 6-7 months a year doing my work in Belize. The rest of the year I will generate more income in Canada to fulfil the annual income of $2100.

Does someone have additional information of the QRP Qualificastion that would cover or solve my business proposal?


You cant do any work or own business or earn money in Belize when you under QRP. You can earn money outwide Belize.

@travelbeat One of the (many) weird things about the QRP program is that the "two grand monthly" must be entirely from a guaranteed pension, as well as being deposited to a Belize bank. I know someone who did not qualify because their adequate income stream was from rental properties. So I don't think you would qualify for QRP.

@elgordo42 Thanks for that info, I was thinking about that too. Kinda sucks when you have more than the minimum required as extra income while still working in Canada.


Fund from 401K or IRA also qualified. But you need to approve that you are withdrawing from it monthly at least $2000

@CocoHer I am in Canada, so IRA here would be income from employer or savings?

The new 2024 updates  for the QRP is easier now :

Retirement Income includes:



Social Security Benefits

Investment Account


Reverse Mortgage

Personal Savings

Retirement Contribution Plans

And other means of retirement income

so Now rental income counts too…you can also work under the new QRP which took effect this January 2024….you are OK Travelbeat….

Thanks for sharing the detailled incomes. I currently have 3 of those options already. let's get ready lol

@CocoHer Thank you for your updates. I was kind aware of that. I planned to spend half a year in canada working and earning income through my other online business. So I should be okay to live a decent live in the remaining 6 months in Belize. Got some information how you can apply for residency otherwise.

@travelbeat  I think as long as your income is outside Belize like online work, you should be fine.

I believe the residency is a better option ,you must spend full one year in belize then apply for residency, then u can open a business that does not require 5 local employees also you can leave and back as long as and how many  you want