Which country is the best for expat family

Dear All,I'm looking for advice to move any safe and peaceful country with my family ( me/wife / two wonderful daughters).me and my wife don't have any paper qualifications.but have over 10 years hotel experience- mid management.i want apply for international school for my kids, from the kids visa we can go as a dependent .please kindly explain it can be done ? which country is the best ?how much (average) i need to pay to school ? accommodation costs with minimum supply living cost per month for family? i don't mind job,I can start with any sector from beginning. 11 years I'm working in Maldives and my familly  live in Sri Lanka .i wish soon we can live together.

im looking for your help 🙏🏼

@suraj chathuranga

Hello and welcome on board !

Maldives is one of the top destinations for people looking for a job in hotel and tourism sector. How has your experience living in Maldives been so far ?

Why do you want to move ?



Any international move requires a high amount of dedication and sense of purpose. Those with an "anywhere and anything can" attitude will almost invariably fail.

So please start showing this dedication by doing your own research about which options (in terms of counries, visa and ways to make a living) exist and which ones you might be eligible for.

If you then have more detailed questions,please post them in the respective country's sub-forum. But a general question like yours above is impossible to answer in any helpful manner!

@suraj chathuranga

Hi any EU country supplies schools free unless you want private ones and fees are very high, and education will be in the language of the country you settle in so you may need extra classes with a tutor for your girls so they understand the lessons.

As you have no paper qualifications for the hospitality sector getting a job will be difficult anywhere as legal work is very competitive and wages at minimum, also you will need references in the language the country you intend living in for employers to read.

As Europe has many languages you will also be restricted in choice as to how many you speak and understand well as there is no point in living in a country where you cannot understand instructions and directions your employer is giving you.

My suggestion would be to consider setting up your own business, a bed and breakfast perhaps, as you have skills that should be applied to this activity and your children will have full time parents, this will depend on your financial situation to afford a property that can accommodate your family and paying guests.

Each EU country has different laws regulating these businesses and costs also vary, Germany, Belgium are a lot more expensive than Portugal or Spain for example. Perhaps ask the internet for ''cost of living'' in each place and compare to learn what is achievable and best for your family.

Good luck


working in maldives is much better then other country ,  however its remote island we have stuck in one island all the time . i have to be with my familly . my kids growing , its not safe to grow two girls without father .

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