Hurdles of renting property in France

The thing that no one ever talks about is how difficult it is to get an apartment if you don't have a French source of income.  I'm already living in France and I want to move to another city.  I'm having a very difficult time getting someone to approve my dossier because of lack of French income.  I am currently retired.  I have Social Security and healthy bank accounts after selling properties in the States.  I've offered to give larger than usual deposits and that's not acceptable.  It's very discouraging to go through the process while never seeing posts regarding the details of renting.   

If you have money, my suggestion to you is to buy a semi finished house or flat and re-do it, that way is much cheaper and economical that throwing your money on rent.

This advice is from a builder


went through the same thing a few years ago. its very



It is very difficult. Initially I took it personal however as I met people and came across similar stories I got to understand this limitation in France.

Most estate agents are very very rude though. We had to get an assistant to manage the whole process.

It is not easy to get a place to rent at all.

The easy way to rent, is to look for private ads, Evoide agencies

@marianelise2003      Try Blot Realtors. We rented an apartment from them and did not have to go through all that. Previously we rented from Century 21 in Nice and it was an extremely expensive nightmare.

Hello everyone,

Please note that I have created this new thread from your posts on the France forum so that we may better discuss this topic.

Let us keep the "Cost of living" thread exclusively for feedbacks on prices.

All the best



Hi, who are Blot Realters?  I cant find them at all.



Can anyone recommend an agency similar to Blot but for the Strasbourg/Alsace region? Much appreciated in advance.

For what it's worth, the French news are filled with segments on how hard it is for French people to find a place to rent, especially in big cities.

Even with two French incomes, under  »CDI » (meaning  »permanent employment », not contract) and decent wages.  There is low inventory so French landlords can be picky.  And French laws are VERY favorable to renters so landlords are super cautious about who they rent to, because they know that if for whatever reason the renter stops paying or trashes the place, it'll take years (and yes, it's typically counted in YEARS) to get them out.

So everyone has to jump through hoops.

Thank you to everyone for your comments!  It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone with this experience.