Job Seeking Visa

Hi everyone,

I will officially graduate at the end of the month so i have to get a job seeking visa. But my main problem is health insurance. my insurance provider (public one) says i should register to a job center as a unemployed so they can send the documents there  but idont know how to register to a job center. In addition to that private insurance is rather cheap and i am a bit confused about what type of insurance i should get. Thanks so much for your help.

Health insurance in Germany is a very complex topic,

What your insurer probably means is that you can get free or subsidized health insurance as registered unemployed person (contact your "Arbeitsamt") or recipiet of social security payments (contact your "Jobcenter").

As far as I know, you can also remain in the public insurance without that (and in that case you may have to pay more).

I cannot tell you whether you are allowed to change to the private scheme (ask an expert!), but you must keep in mind that those are cheaper only for young and healthy people without family - and it is nearly impossible to change back to public later!

@beppi Hi Beppi,

Thanks so much for your answer! I am young so that wont be a problem. But i would rather stay in public insurance :) The question is if i am allow to go to job center and registered as an unemployed? I wont pay health insurance in this case but is that possible. I dont want to get a Bürgergeld ( and as an expat i dont think thats allowed under job seeking visa especially) but me going to job center and registred as unemployed is a problem or no?

@bedizolmez You register as unemployed at the "Arbeitsamt" (labour agency), and as financially destitute at the "Job Center" (which might be seen as a misnomer, but is a separate agency).

Seems you are in Germany and rather clueless about how things work?! Number one, if you are graduating from a German University then you automatically get 18 months to stay on and look for a job in your field of study. This is NOT a job seeker visa!!! Similar purpose, completely different thing.

If you managed to register and study at a university then you should be able to walk into a job center and register there. Just take all of your documentation like passport, registration of residence and insurance and proof of university registration or completion. One cannot live in Germany and claim they cannot do such a basic thing. If your German is so bad then take someone along to help. But not much of a chance at a job in many fields and staying on in Germany anyway unless one speaks good German. Many students come to Germany and do a master degree taught in English only to find out that they are unemployable without having at least a B2 or better level of German.

One cannot expect to get special student rate insurance when no longer a student. And while some private insurance might sound cheaper at the beginning, it is a trap. It will cost more in the end and especially if you later have a non-working spouse or children they will have to pay separately and are not included under a policy like from a public option. You cannot even sign up for private insurance unless you have a certain income level; impossible if you don't have a job yet. And the main advantage of private insurance is that it gives some extra perks over the standard public insurance like getting to see the upper level doctor while in the hospital, something that may or may not happen with public insurance.

One can sometimes get a private room, if available and better meals are provided. Many such things one will rarely experience unless they end up in the hospital and can be obtained anyway with a supplemental insurance policy in addition to the public policy if wanted. And usually one cannot change later from private to public. Later one is maybe married with a wife at home and some kids and realizes it would be much cheaper to have public insurance - but it is too late to change

    @bedizolmez You register as unemployed at the "Arbeitsamt" (labour agency), and as financially destitute at the "Job Center" (which might be seen as a misnomer, but is a separate agency).        -@beppi

What is commonly known as the Arbeitsamt is the Bundesagentur für Arbeit. The job center is part of this agency; not really seperate, just a specific department. They have multiple departments for many things. I am giving a link to the German page of the  Job Center in Stuttgart. If one clicks on the English version of   the page (2nd link below), one is actually directed to the general overview of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit. … tgart.html


Sorry it is job seeking residence permit. I put visa in here, since it is more commonly understood :). But i might be clueless about many things thats true :)

And i am in here for 3 years, worked in 2 different jobs with my english and didnt had a problem with that so far.

Of course my job opportunities is scare due to my German level. I don't know why you're pointing that out and demoralising me. And maybe even people who are going to read this topic. I think many people are already aware that fact :). Constantly presenting this in front of them can discourage people from learning German instead of encouraging them.

There are also many people around me who are working with only English knowledge :). It would be great if you can take into consideration of other people's hope and emotions.

Anyways thanks so much for your answer and have a nice day!

Hello everyone,

Please note that some off-topic posts were put aside from this thread.



@bedizolmez Lucky for you if you have found a job/environment in Germany where English is sufficient. But your issues with the topic of this thread, visa and insurance matters (which is difficult even for native speakers), show that there are aspects of life where English is not sufficient.

Please excuse if this does not apply to you, but we encounter many wanna-be-exats on this foum who naively expect that Germany is easy to manage with only English - it just isn't true!

But criticising our volunteer advisers for pointing this out is not a good way of dealing with the situation. We are certainly not perfect (and any answer includes guesswork, which might or might not apply, but we are always trying our best to be helpful.

If you don't like this, you are free to ask your question elsewhere.


i am not saying German is not necessary, i know how important it is. But under this topic seemed like it is coming out of nowhere. And than, I just point out something i experience as well. I am sorry but Tomin's starting sentence is ”Seems you are in Germany and rather clueless about how things work” why i am getting judged by this on a forum where people ask [link moderated] is obviously rude and unnecessary. You answered my question kindly and i am thankful . But if i see this kinds of behaviour i have to point out and report it i am sorry.