Our new Canada Guide is up!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and are either settled in your new home in Canada comfortably or finding all the help you need in order to get your expatriation project rolling smoothly.

Here at Expat.com, we are always trying to find new ways to be closer to our community and to help you out. And this is why our editorial team has just delivered our newest baby: the Canada guide!

The Canada guide is packed with information about this beautiful country. From where the safest neighborhoods are to the leisure scene or the Canadian job market, you will find everything you need to know about settling down in Canada in our new guide!

Below are the main topics we address in this guide:

General information about Canada

Formalities in Canada

Visas in Canada

Work in Canada

Accommodation in Canada

Study in Canada

Banking in Canada

Tax in Canada

Healthcare in Canada

Driver's license in Canada

Communication in Canada

Leisure in Canada

Transportation in Canada

Moving to Canada

You can also take a look at our city guides:




Do not hesitate to send me a private message should you have any thoughts, suggestions, or feedback on our Canada guide!

Warm regards,


Expat.com Editorial Team

Expat.com Editorial Team

That sounds like a fantastic addition to Expat.com's resources! Moving to a new country can be an exciting yet daunting experience, so having a comprehensive guide like the one you've described can be incredibly helpful for expatriates looking to settle in Canada. Providing information on safety, neighborhoods, leisure activities, and the job market can certainly ease the transition process and help newcomers feel more confident about their move. If

Hello, I am from Cuba, I am looking for a job in Canada, I am a professional freight driver, I am asking for guidance on the subject, greetings.


Hello and welcome  !

Please read the Canada Expat Guide to gather information about job and how to find a job. You may also create your CV in the Jobs in Canada section of the website for better exposure.

All the best


Hello, the problem is that I live in Cuba, and I am looking for an employer to hire me, it could be anywhere in Canada, I am a professional freight driver for more than 20 years, I am asking for guidance or someone who can help me, greetings.

    Hello, the problem is that I live in Cuba, and I am looking for an employer to hire me, it could be anywhere in Canada, I am a professional freight driver for more than 20 years, I am asking for guidance or someone who can help me, greetings.


Follow the information that Bhavna has given you. Click on the links given for information.