Work Permit application appeal

Hello everyone,

I'm seeking clarification regarding the status of my work permit appeal. My employer applied for a work permit on my behalf, but unfortunately, the result displayed on the MOM website shows 'Invalid.' Subsequently, my employer submitted an appeal for this application. However, even after 7 working days, the status still reads 'Invalid' whenever I check. Is it normal for the 'Invalid' status to persist during the appeal process? Also, I'd like to know the typical timeframe MOM takes to process appeal results. Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

The application remains "invalid" (i.e. rejected) until the appeal is successful.

The processing time of an appeal is usually slightly shorter than the original application, but this can vary from case to case.

The chances of a positive result depend entirely on the reason the employer gave for the appeal - and whether that removes the original rejection reason or not.