Police Clearance Certificate for naturalization

Bom dia expats,

Can anyone share the experience of getting the Police Clearance Certificate for naturalization. As far as I know one I have to get from Brazil and another one from my country. Is there some specific details or way it needs to be done.

The one I need from my country I have to request it from my countries embassy?

Thank you for your time.

05/02/24 Can anyone share the experience of getting the Police Clearance Certificate for naturalization. As far as I know one I have to get from Brazil and another one from my country. Is there some specific details or way it needs to be done. The one I need from my country I have to request it from my countries embassy?    -@Shahbaz Shaikh786

For your country of origin, it will depend on their procedures, and your country's embassy should be able to tell you exactly what they are.

For Brazil, you'll need both a federal and a state "Certidão de Antecedentes Criminais".  You can generate the federal one here:

https://www.gov.br/pt-br/servicos/emiti … -criminais

and print it out yourself.

For the state one, do a search on "Antecedentes Criminais (name of state)" and follow the instructions for a "certidão" from the state Tribunal de Justiça.  Most states will let you generated it online and print it out, like the federal one.  Some states, unfortunately, require you to request it in person.

@abthree thank you❤️


I think this is not correct, the certificate must be issued by the tribunals of Justice, not the police:

"Destaca-se que não são aceitas certidões emitidas por instituições policiais."

Here the source:


This page contains a list of links to the correct forms per state:

[link under review]

And regarding the certificate from your country of origin: as mentioned, this differs per country.

In my case I had to request it in my home country, had it apostilled there and then translated to Portuguese in Brazil.

Your embassy will probably not be able to issue it for you, but can tell you how to get it.

05/03/24    @abthree
I think this is not correct, the certificate must be issued by the tribunals of Justice, not the police:
"Destaca-se que não são aceitas certidões emitidas por instituições policiais."
Here the source:

You are partially correct.

1 I obtained my Brazilian Federal criminal background check exactly as described in Post #2 above.  It was accepted, and this is the heading on it:




2 The page that you reference refers to the documentation needed by someone who has a criminal conviction to prove rehabilitation.  That's a different requirement than the one for people who have clean records.

3 It is true that the background check at the state level should come from the state's Tribunal de Justiça, not from a state police organization.  For some states, the Tribunal de Justiça site comes up first in the search above.  When it doesn't, "Certidão Judicial" or a reference to "TJ" is the one you want.