Does anyone have a full list of required documents?


where can I find a full list of documents required for

  1. opening a bank account in Spain
  2. applying for NIE

also if they are required to be attested or not.

thank you! 


Hello and welcome !

Till members guide you, feel free to have a look at the following website : … %20country


The following article : The banking system in Spain

All the best


Opening a Bank Account in Spain

To open a bank account in Spain, you typically need the following documents:

1. Valid Passport or National ID Card: Proof of identity.

2. NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero): Foreign identification number.

3. Proof of Address: This can be a utility bill, rental contract, or empadronamiento (certificate of residence registration).

4. Proof of Employment or Income: This could include a work contract, payslips, or a tax return.

5. Bank Reference or Financial History: Some banks may require a reference from your current bank or financial history.

Attestation: Generally, documents like the passport, NIE, and proof of address do not need to be attested. However, if you are using foreign documents, it might be beneficial to have them translated and certified.

Applying for NIE

The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is essential for various legal and financial activities in Spain. To apply for an NIE, you typically need the following documents:

1. EX-15 Application Form: Completed and signed.

2. Valid Passport: Original and a photocopy of the passport (all pages, not just the photo page).

3. Proof of Address in Spain: This could be a rental contract or an empadronamiento.

4. Reason for NIE Application: Documentation that explains why you need an NIE (e.g., a job offer, property purchase agreement, or a letter from a Spanish bank).

5. Passport-Sized Photos: Two recent color photographs.

Attestation: Documents like the passport and proof of address generally do not need to be attested. However, any foreign documents should be translated into Spanish by an official translator, and some documents may require apostille certification, depending on their nature and origin.

Where to Find Full Lists and Additional Information

- Spanish Consulate or Embassy: They provide detailed requirements and forms for both opening a bank account and applying for an NIE.

- Spanish Ministry of the Interior (Ministerio del Interior): Their website offers comprehensive guidelines for the NIE application.

- Local Banks in Spain: Visiting the websites or branches of Spanish banks can provide specific requirements for opening accounts.

For the most accurate and detailed information, it's advisable to visit the official websites or contact the relevant authorities directly.