Anyone in Rauma, Finland?

It seems most people in this forum are in the Helsinki area - anyone in Rauma?  I moved here three weeks ago from the US, my husband works, I stay home and am starting to go a little stir crazy!  :)

If you're in the Rauma area and would like to meet and chat, let me know!  I'd love to get a weekly meetup together, whether it's for coffee/tea, lunch, dinner, crafts, cooking, walking - whatever! 


Hi Sara,

Welcome to!

I hope you get lots of new contact here.

All the best,

Hei hei !!
Welcome in Rauma !
I hope you're not alone and you've met some other persons...
Excuse my english because i'm french. There are a lot of french people here , english, german and US too !
If you want we meet us in Vanha Rauma it would be with pleasure, when you want.  Tommorrow morning at 9.30( inside and in front of ROSSO cafeteria) we go to PRISMA with my finnish lesson group. If you want to join us... it's funny to go at the supermarket with the finnish teacher, we learn a lot of things !! ... and we speak in english ... no problem for you !! 
I'm waiting your answer.

Hi, Sara!

I have a friend in Rauma. Tell me a little bit more about yourself and I will ask her if she's available.

I am from rauma and i wanna meet new peoples and friends:) take contact with email

Hi, I moved to Rauma last month. I'm working at OL3.
I have a 3-years old daughter and would like to bring her here mext month. Hopefully, my husbend will also come in the nearest future.
Is anybody here?))

Hello. i can see you wrote this for about a year ago. Do you still live in Rauma. I just moved her 3 weeks ago with my 2,5 year old son. Hes father is Finnish. Where in rauma do you live?

Hi avori,

Welcome to expat-blog,

Please feel free to create a new topic on the Finland Forum.

Thank you,


hi im so new here I just got my resident permit and im so happy to see this website where i can meet people who dont speak finnish too its kinda a really hard time for me coz i really wanna learn the finnish language if its possible can i join in your team Im from philippines and finnish language is so difficult to learn alone

I realize this posting is now several years old and you have moved on to new adventures.  I just wanted to thank you for your posting.  I've scanned through some of your blog and appreciate the informative little gems therein.  We are new to Finland with my husband's job assignment and I am going through many of the "getting to know you" experiences that you describe.  Life is good!

Hey even I would like to learn Finnish... can u suggest me good teaching schools...


Hi Sara,

I will be moving to Rauma in May. Actually, at the moment I am here but will be going back home for a month. If you would like to meet I will be very pleased because I am also looking for somebody in this area.



Hello and welcome !

The opening post is from 2012... this member is no longer active on the forum.

I suggest that you open a new thread on the Finland forum to seek advice from members.

All the best



thanks, Bahvna,

I didn't take notice of the date of the post.

When I return back to Rauma at the beginning of May, I will write a new post.

Thanks again.


Hello everybody,

my name is Mariana and I am new in Rauma.

I would like to ask you whether there is an international women's group here in Rauma.

If there is somebody who is interested in outdoor activities, it would be nice to meet.

Also, I am looking for a yoga class and a gym and mainly, I would like to start learning Finish so, any advice on this will be great.

Thank you
