Moving with chiildren to Malawi


We are considering moving to Malawi, but we are concerned about the children. One is 9 months and the other one 4 years old.

What about the vaccines? Regarding health is it dangerous for small children. Their immune systems are still very fragile

Can anyone give us a hint about this?

Are there good health care, accessible?

Our decision depends on their safety.

Thank you!

Kind regards!


Hi Sofia & welcome to!

Hope that other members will soon share their experience with you.;)


Dear Sofia,

Welcome to Whereabout are you going to be in Malawi? 

We have been here for over a year now, we have 3 girls, twins aged 5 and a little one aged 3.  Honestly it is a fresh clean air environment, since we've been here (we are from South Africa) my children have only been ill once and due to climate change as we were in South Africa for two weeks in the winter and came to Malawi where the degrees are approximately 5-8 degrees higher.  To date we have been blessed with our health and that of the girls.  Malaria stays a huge concern as they mosquitoes are very active in the summer months but we try and prevent the mosquitoes from biting them by putting mosquito repelant on or spray Peaceful Sleep or Tabbard and there is Mypol. 

With regards to the drinking water, you can drink the water if you boil the water, although the locals do drink out of the tap I choose not to.  We have purchased a water dispenser and they bring us water when we call them and ask them to bring it around.

The sun is very strong here so bring lots of sunscreen, it's very expensive here especially for the children.  I will be too glad to show you around and also show you the shops where you will get the cheapest prices for the same quality. 

Vaccinations are not really an issue here but I suggest you contact your travel clinic in Portugal and ask them what they think is the best. 

I trust that the info I have supplied helps a little and puts your mind to ease.  Feel free to make contact with me at anytime. 

My email address is and facebook is Kathleen du Toit.

Good Luck and best regards,


Dear Kathy

thank you so much for your quick reply.We were indeed concerned about the children. But you have helped us feel more secure about the decision.

We have done some research about the country and we were very interested in living there for some years. Unfortunately my husband cannot apply yet for one of the requirements would be to have been in the same position in the company for 3 year, and he still has 1 more year before he meets that requirement. But, one never knows;-)
If he has the opportunity he'll apply and I'll be in touch again.
One of our doubts is also about the hospitals/ doctors. Are there good facilities (private); our son has to be followed by an urologist and that is a major concern. Are there good doctors you know about?
If you ever need any information or help for coming to Portugal, feel free to get in touch with me. My private e-mail is
Thanks again for the help.
All the best,

Sofia Rio