
I'm hoping someone can give me some advice regarding this.

I have decided to divorce my husband after living apart for sometime. He is currently living in Ciaro with a Muslim woman and he has converted from Christian to muslim.  He has informed me that he has married this woman but how can that be when we are not yet divorced, is this possible?


You have married him as a christian, Canned? As far as I know christians in Egypt cannot get divorced. And are you sure he has become a muslim??? This is very, very unusual. In most cases his family, friends and all community would not accept that at all and he would be all alone in this case.
I have no idea what would be the legal options if he converted to Islam, if divorce would be possible in this case.
To me all the story sounds weird, sorry to say...


Yes Caty, we were married in the UK and we were both Christian, my soon to be ex husband is now in Cairo and has converted to Islam.  It does sound weird, but it is true

Hi Canned
Your husband can marry to four women at once If he proved that he is Muslim - he take a certificate after declaring converting to Islam..
The question now if he is an Egyptian or not?!! for if you can charge him or not?! according to the British or the Egyptian Laws!!

Hi Baladino,
My husband is British, but has lived in Eygpt for the last 2 years.  We are not divorced yet, so as I believe he can not officially marry another without showing his divorce papers.  Is it allowed for a muslim woman to live with a man who is still married to someone else in Cairo ?!!

Hey Canned,
By Egyptian law, if he is muslim he can have four wives (including you), I think you need to speak to a lawyer about this, since I'm not really sure about British laws regarding muslim men (that is if he officially did convert, as in his paperwork is done).

if he converted to islam, he has the right to marry up 2 4 times, thats in any muslim country not just egypt, and it doesnt matter what are the wives religion as long as thier religion is brought to humanity by a prophet / book (ie  bible.... ...etc)..

I red all comments below, but let me added for you an important matter.
Yes Islam gave rights to Muslim man to get married up to 4 women, BUT it is not open like that, as there are some important points. The most important one is, He must be fair, apply justice and equality in everything with all of them, and then Islam said HE CAN NOT BE FAIR. Islam gave this permission that Muslim can use in some special cases, not to collect women in his pocket.
I understood from your message that you married in UK then he went to Cairo and got married after that with a Muslim woman after he converted to Islam. This is a strange story from him.
Are you sure when you married him he was a christian???? I have doubt about this, as it is very difficult for Christian Egyptian man to converted to Islam, as it has many non easy steps.
Finally, I am advising you to get sure about his story of marriage, then about story of religion changes, after you collect all facts, you will take a decision more easy. Wish you a good luck. Also if you need any help in Cairo, contact with me and will see how we can help you. Wish you a happy day.

Hi, yes as all said below, he did convert to Islam to be able to divorce you (only when he wants, as u cannot force him) and most of all to be able to marry again.
You can get into court etc... if you really want, but it will take a long time. You would have to get a good lawyer and he would suggest many many ways just to cause him trouble. If your marriage is official or registered in Cairo or in the UK< you would have to get an official divorce in order to be able to marry again.
Good luck

hope you are fine

you can collect legal advice from any lawyer or solicitor n cairo

if you need assistance , can send legal office address from cairo to you

luxor city

yes possible because he changed his religion to Islam and this is possible in Islam

In Egypt, he can marry with four women , if he is Muslim.It is legal in Egypt and other Islamic countries.
for any question  my email is
my phone number is 002  01097900096

He may have converter so he can have 4 wifes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are you also in Egypt????

she lives in UK , and he married in egypt .... so it dont give him any official reason to divorce her ..... beside the marriage in most of european countries is civic .... religions doesn't matter , or can be a reason for divorce...

if he is foreigner , he has to bring a certificate from his country about his social status their ..

if you can get a legal proof that he is married to another wife , you can claim him in egyptian court and get divorce ...... i dont know if it is easy for you or not ,, or if you can get any proof to court that he has another relation ........

the lasw here give you right to divorce if your man is married again

but what i don't know ; if you get a divorce here , can it be helpful for you in UK ?  is it accepted by british authorities ??

It is easy as long as he is non Egyptian

Canned Dear ,why you are bothering your self that much,,,,go to the court and divorce him

From what I've read in all comments I see it that way.
From the religious point of view he can as a Muslim marry up to 4 women. But from the legal point of view he falls under the British law.
So the question is. Is he officially married to this Muslim lady?? Or is it a marriage contract made by a lawyer (unofficial)??

If he is officially married you can go to court against him if you can prove it. If not, then I think there is nothing you can do since you can't prove he married someone else.


all I have to say is do not marry out of your comfort zone......

marry your own that is hard enough

just get on with your life and forget him

no one cross references marriage and divorce

so who cares.....many are married in more than one country

and no one knows

laady24 wrote:

all I have to say is do not marry out of your comfort zone......

marry your own that is hard enough

just get on with your life and forget him

no one cross references marriage and divorce

so who cares.....many are married in more than one country

and no one knows

totally agree

Hi Canned

If you contact the British Embassy in Cairo they will be able to help you. I would not advocate marrying more than one person as it is illegal for a  woman to do that and you don't want to get arrested as a bigamist. If you married via the British Embassy in Egypt you will be on record here in the uk. Good luck and I hope it works out for you

Yes in Egypt Muslim can Merry up to 4 women

Hi canned
I am Egyptian British live in the uk
I can help you getting any info you need about Egyptian law as I study law in Egypt plus I have some experience since I married British as well and know about foreigners marriage  and divorce process
You are welcome
[Moderated: Do not share any contact number on the forum]

when I was visiting in the states......

I met many Arab men married in their country

and married in the states for green many of them

and like I said immigration did not know or care

so must be a common practice every where

It is like deal between both sides that is all regardless  the condition

and some times the one does not know......

they think it is a real thing

and when they do find out they try to stop the green card

but it is too late........

Immigrrant2001 wrote:

Hi canned
I am Egyptian British live in the uk
I can help you getting any info you need about Egyptian law as I study law in Egypt plus I have some experience since I married British as well and know about foreigners marriage  and divorce process
You are welcome

kindly don't post your number in public.

Muslim men may marry upto 4 women but must treat all with fairness... Sorry to hear about your marital problems feel free to msg me if you need any help. American living in Egypt

Hello Canned,

Are you even sure you need an Egyptian divorce in the first place? You need to ask yourself the following important questions in order to determine that.

1.  Do you plan to ever return to Egypt in the future?

2.  Do you plan ever marry another Egyptian or Muslim?

If the answer to both of those questions is NO then you really only need to file for an ex parte divorce in the UK, since your marriage took place in the UK.

You should be talking to a local lawyer with experience in the area of Family Law.  It would appear that you have more than sufficient grounds on which to file for divorce, given that he has re-married in Egypt. (You may require some form of proof of the marriage)

Depending upon how long you've been separated (de facto) you may even be able to apply for a divorce based solely on "breakdown of the marriage".

Before you go trotting off to Egypt or spending a fortune on Egyptian lawyers, seek counsel from a qualified UK lawyer. You'll thank yourself later for having done so.

James      Expat-blog Experts Team

Iam Salah. Egyptian living in Cairo maadi
He can marry her if he changed to Muslim.
Because he is blessed a Muslim and he can marry four women. Now he is married to two.
You and the new wife.
This is according to the Egyptian law.
Contact me if u need any law help
Iam a lawyer and it's for free specially for members
[Moderated:Phone numbers are not allow on the forum.  Thank you]

you are a nice man to offer free services......Allah bless you

Hello salahhosny,

Did you already register in our Cairo business directory?

If you haven't done it yet, you can do it, it is for free.

Thank you,

Yes, Dear Canned it's possible to marry another woman up 2 four women cause in Islamic law its allowed not banned and if you are not a muslim i mean Christian you can ask the church and the law in your country to help you to get divorced from him and your ex husband cheated the islamic law by converting to Islam to be able marrying again and again so i ask Allah to help you in your problem and don't forget to complain him to the church and the law of your country by giving them what proving that he is married again and you are also still his wife okay Dear Canned

Yes he can marry again in Egypt IF he converted to islam but you can divorce him in the UK with no problem. You can divorce him because he has,  in effect, desserted you. Just go to a UK lawyer and get advice and im sure it will be straightforward. You dont have to go to Egypt to do anything. He was not muslim when he married you and so in the UK the fact that he is muslim now will make no difference,in fact, he is also a bigamist as far as your marriage is concerned.
Good luck and I hope all goes well which I'm sure it will. X

My friend is coming from America to Egypt to get married next month   With the new one month visa law not three any more wondering about other changes
Do you still need permission from the American embassy to marry????    Do you need a blood test still and what other laws have changed ????   
Any one with answered let me know
Please   Marrriage laws in Egypt they want to stay in Egypt not leave he has business here
Thank you

Dr. Maimunah

Please need answers thank you

Marriage laws now 5/09/2017.   In Egypt

Thank you

Dr. Maimunah.

Buddy , she is not talking about how nice and peacful islam is topic !

She wanna know if it is possible that her husband can do that in Egypt , the answer is yes he can , unfortunately

But you still can sue him according to British laws (hopefully ) to prevent this shmuck to re-enter Europe with a new name and do this shame to another lady .

You should file a law suite against him and get divorced legally so you can move on and enjoy your life naturally

hello, canned
if your husband converted to islam then he can marry 3 more women with you because in our islam the man can marry 4 women at the same time, but he must not cheated any woman and do this without telling her, you know my all explains was only about islam rules but in your country  law i don't know how it would be come and i guess that he is now cheated the british law and you can judge him there but you must first prove that he did this with you or else you can do nothing

welcome Canned,
any time

Usama Egypt

hi canned ,

i am so sorry for your ordeal .. i was married to an Egyptian national , he divorced me without me knowing it and marry the other girl at the same time.. But in Egyptian law , a muslim man can divorce his wife without her consent .. do you have an Egyptian citizenship already or is your visa still valid ?
try to search for a good lawyer that could help you .. i hope everything goes well for you.. take care..

hello :)
the post is since february 2015 :)  i guess that the lady could manage to solve the matter , and that she dealt with a lawyer :)