Should I move to Libya?

Hi all, this board doesn't seem too busy but thought I would ask my question anyways - I have been offered a full scholarship to attend a local university in Libya - would it be safe for me to go? I have a million questions but that one is the most pressing :)


Hello Amanda :cheers:

While waiting for members living there to revert back with some infos, I invite you to check out threads related in our forum section : Everyday life in Libya

All the best :top:


Hi Amanda,
It is depend on the city that you want to stay in. Which city you will stay?

Kind regards

I would be moving to Tripoli :)

I think Tripoli is save for u good mybay we can meet there and we be a good friends  :)  meybay more no one know  :D

Hi Amanda
Welcome you in Tripoli. Tripoli is safe  then some other Libyan cities.
Hope to see you soon in Tripoli

No, thats just crazy.

There is no sort of government or order anywhere in Libya.  Just gangs of child militias enforcing their rules and stealing as much as they can.

Kidnap and crime is on the rise everywhere in and around Tripoli.

Almost all foreigners are desperatly trying to leave; incl.the deadly boat trips to Italy.

Even locals are having an extremly hard time to survive here; rumor has it that a full scale war is about to begin.

Going to Libya is complet insanity; there are zero guarantees of safety and a very high chance of kidnap.

Hi Amanda,

Mac here from Ireland, I know this is an old post, did you go to Libya in the end? I'm here in Tripoli for 1 month now. It's a bit strange, maybe because it's Ramadan.

I don't blame you after seeing what Gulgport write above lol

i don't think you will find beer here after Ramadan but you will still enjoy the sea side here lol