Studying in Japan

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in Japan?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Japan?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

My stepson is a Junior at Tama University which has alliances with several foreign universities.  They have students from the U.S., Canada, East Asia and Europe.  They also offer study abroad programs for resident Japanese.  My stepson completed his study abroad program in Sydney.  Most of the classes at his Shonondai campus are taught in English with several very good foreign professors.  So in answer to your question I would highly recommend Japan as a good study abroad country.  What more could you ask for, a good education, along with a special culture, history, and some of the best food in the world.  Oh and most of the participating Universities with Tama offer scholarships which help greatly reduce the students cost.

I definitely want to study abroad in Japan. I want to learn their culture and language

Thank you reywatwrite. Could you please tell us more about how to get a student visa? Do we teach in English in every university?

Japan universities are well ranked on the QS Top 500 Universities ranking (QS has become a reference when it comes to compare international universities).

The first three Japan Universities are the University of Tokyo (Natural Science), Kyoto University (Natual Science), and Tokyo Institute of technology (Engineering and Technology).

No not all universities in Japan teach in English.  Tama University has a degree program for Hospitality and that is why they teach most subjects in English.  Several of my son-in-law's foreign friendsattended a local university in their respective countries and then applied for a study abroad program in Japan.  I am not up to date on Student Visas.  You may want to contact some of the Universities here in Japan that your interested in for the actual details.

reywatwrite wrote:

No not all universities in Japan teach in English.  Tama University has a degree program for Hospitality and that is why they teach most subjects in English.  Several of my son-in-law's foreign friendsattended a local university in their respective countries and then applied for a study abroad program in Japan.  I am not up to date on Student Visas.  You may want to contact some of the Universities here in Japan that your interested in for the actual details.

Is there any university you would recommend for people studying computer science?

Hi everyone,
I never heard about Tama University so I do not know about it.
But while I was living in Tokyo, I heard a lot about Waseda University (private) and the University of Tokyo (public) through my japanese friends. They have both english programs and you can study a lot of different things : law, medicine, business, research.., they also have foreigners students.
They are the best ones in Tokyo, and in the top 10 in Japan.

You can check out here if you want to discover other universities "2017 Japanese University Ranking" :

Study in Japan is very cheap and affordable country. In japan Students have very rights to freely move and enjoy their study. In japan no accommodation problem. japan have many top ranked universities.

@reywatwrite Hi

Can you tell me a little about EJU and how to prepare for it? I would really like some help, because I really want to study in Japan and would like to know a few sure things about how to get in one. For example The University of Tokyo?