How to make friends in Singapore

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Singapore :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Singapore??

Thanks in advance for your participation

I read most of the Singapore forums, maybe not daily, but do check in once a week......I also browse the blogs.

Often you find someone with similar interests or maybe a similar age group - Sometimes when a few of my friends meet for coffee, we invite one or two that we notice on the forums to join us.

Networking is probably the best way to 'make friends' ...... but you have to work at it. It does not come easy.

A person told me a few years ago that "we should live where all the expats live" and when I asked why, she replied:

"when you leave home, and leave behind your family and friends, we are your family...we, the expats .... we will be your family while you are 'here', so regardless of age, race, social standing we are here for you"

I have remembered that ever since.... and it is so true.

I am in the 'older' age bracket, probably older than most I find it very difficult to make friends..... but I try to remind people of the above comment made to me years ago.

The younger mothers cannot see that we are all family and as such "in the same boat together". We can help and support each other regardless of age and or race.

So yes, you have to work hard at finding friends or acquaintances in this itinerant world of expat living.

Thanks for the information. I have been to singapore but not made much of a friend. Lets hope things work out in future.:)

hi wisetalk..

have u made any friends..?
still looking for friends..??


The Singapore expat network might help ;)

Not too sure whether this applies. But Singaporeans are a shy lot. If you are looking forward to meet local people, hanging out at pubs/bars may not help. Try instead to hang out at your local community centres. There are a number of activities there that you can sign up for and meet locals at the same time.

Hope this helps.

hang out with me, i have many friends..and they are very friendly..:D

Most of my colleagues are married, have kids, and don't seem to be all that keen to hang out after work.  I live rather far from "where all the expats live."  I've been here for over three years and haven't made many friends yet (although I work a lot so that could be part of the problem).

I want to make many friends who share their experiance and guide me. Pls send me their message.'

Hi all!
How about, lets get together sometime? Were on the same boat!:D

Well I was in the same boat when I worked there. It takes lot afford to make friends as locals are not that open mind, tho you works with them but hardly to be friend with.

What i did was join the expat forum; the FNDC and join some get together for sports. I did the dragon boating w/ the Gaelic Dragon. It was good exercise and meet lots nice ppl.

I know how lonely and boring life can be in Singapore but if you are lucky enough you will meet nice ppl, just need to bear in mind that as an expat, most will have to move back or to somewhere when the contract end.Goodbye need to be said to friends you made.

Anyway wish you a good luck! :-)

I am looking for expats friend...preferrably in IT field like me. PM me.

I've subscribed to the French Association (or american one, or belgium, or japanese... according to your nationality), I practise sport with the neiborough community center, I've taken english course (british council), cooking course with Vida, and, as Asian ppl want to know who you are, why don't you invite them at home ? try karaoke places ?

I've also read a lot of bloggs, made mine, and have met writers ! And I agree with Leone, Expat people are your new family now, that you will leave one day again ! be patient, and open minded. good luck

I don't live in Singapore, I live in Kyoto, Japan. I'm over 60 but I want to bring my 17-year-old daughter with me on one of my trips to Singapore, maybe in August. How can she meet young people her age there? She just got back from Hong Kong and met lots of people, but she was with a youth conference so she was never alone. But she loves to meet young girls her age everywhere.
How do you think Hong Kong friendliness is compared to Singapore?
Of course, I'd like to meet friends, too, but it's mostly for my daughter I'm writing.
Thank you all.

Wow, what a thoughtful father! Im living in Singapore but will be moving back to Hong Kong. Hong Kong is full of people but it seems many are in a rush similar to a cat that runs from one room to another room. Im sure she can meet many nice people her own age in Hong Kong but it will take a lot of effort and persistence. I find Singapore a bit slower in pace and might be easier to meet people compared to Hong Kong.

Well, the Youth Olympic Games is going to be held in Singapore from 14-26 Aug 2010. That should be a good place to meet young people from around the world . . .

Well...if u guys r joining...pls update me.. Willing to to take part n get involved... Happy meeting ...

This Forum is very nice, I want share on Singapore Youth Olympics related information
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When I moved here I had a great job that gave me lots of free time, but I was located way outside of 'town.'  I discovered and there are tons of meetup groups!  I joined a few, went to some wine tastings, expat social events, seminars, and now I have a good solid group of friends I love hanging out with (all Singaporeans!).  My experience has been that Singaporeans love meeting new people, they just need a forum to do it and these meetup groups are a great way to do it.  Some of them join the expat groups just to meet people from different places.  I've loved meeting so many new people, and my social schedule has gone from being a completely empty wasteland to bustlingly busy.

When I arrived in Singapore (which was 16 years ago, but thing haven't changed much in this respect), I avoided the stereotypical "Expat" who needs other Expats as his "family" and is shy to contact the (for him/her) strange and sometimes difficult to understand local world.
I found that Singaporeans are in general openminded and curious about other's lifes. If you go towards them, and are tolerant of their views and ways of life (which will be different from yours), you will have less problems finding friends in Singapore than in most other places!
If you show respect and adapt some of their customs (while introducing them to others of yourself), you will soon not only be fully accepted (warts and all) but also contribute to the interesting, cosmopolitan mix that is Singapore today.
I never had a boring moment in all those years and cannot understand those who complain. I also lost my heart (after 4 years here and being fully integrated) and have a family here now.
I most appreciate that I have never been treated as a "foreigner" in the sense of being an outsider that cannot be understood and needs special treatment - which was my main grudge e.g. when living in Japan (there, I never broke the barrier the locals build around themselves - despite me speaking Japanese!).
So, my advice is being open-minded, not critical and making the first step towards them. But this applies wherever you go and is not specific to Singapore.

Hi Beppi
That's nice to hear!
I'm still in Japan, only visit Singapore but wish I could stay longer.
I'm one of these people who really likes Singapore and hope my daughter would like it too. What a great place!
Of course, I especially want to meet Singaporeans but any people who can enjoy socializing are fine.
But how do I arrange meeting in advance? It seems difficult.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Some great ideas in here. I've met a couple of people, but definitely miss the socialising I had at home. Not that I was naive enough to expect it to be replicated immediately, but I am keen to meet new people soon!

I guess you have to get used to a very different climate from Scotland but you should enjoy Singapore.
To me, Singapore is a beautiful city compared to Japanese cities. I live and teach in Kyoto, which is one of the less bad looking of the cities here. But still, Singapore is tremendously exotic to me by comparison. Maybe it's because I only get short visits there that I feel that way?
I'm always within a 3km. radius of Bugis when I'm there for weekly visits. But, no friends to enjoy it with. I think Singapore is a victim of its assumed image. They think it's normal to be distant, perhaps, and so they are.
Welcome opinions, friends.

hmm ... based on my own experience ...
at first, i felt kindda homesick ... so i was trying to find friends from the same race .... then i signed up for a hobby course and started to meet people who shares some common interests (for me it's singing) ... then .. after a while, when i got into a local school ... i met lots of locals, most of them are nice to me probably because of my accent ... but a minority of them might not be that friendly at first ... most probably because they are unsure or shy to talk to you ... Anyway, im trying to expand my circle of friends from different races ... so ... feel free to msg me ... :) maybe we can meet up and make more friends :)

Tip: If u meet a local, try to ask about food ... i bet they will talk non-stop about the different local foods in singapore ... :)

I don't have to make an effort to talk about Singapore food. You have to make me STOP talking about it!

Uhm ... mr brightnewday, excuse me, but it was just a tip i didnt really say that u should talk about it ... that is if u know what TIP means ... have a nice day!

Hmm...Penggotchie, I think maybe you misunderstood. I meant I love Singapore food so much, I can't stop talking about it. Maybe I should have put a smilie after the exclamation mark, just to make it clear I was trying to make a joke about how I'm so crazy about the food there!
Of course, it's better if we can enjoy eating together with new friends.

if u put it that way haha ... ok ... :) how's japan?

Japan is unique - not like anywhere else. Certainly it's polite but true communication is difficult to get, even for those fluent in the language.
When I'm outside Japan, I feel like I'm joining the world that's rapidly changing for the future - whether that's good or bad.
Japan is always trying to hold itself separate from the rest of the world. It feels safe and predictable but in many ways boring. I feel Singapore is much more dynamic.

brightnewday wrote:

I guess you have to get used to a very different climate from Scotland but you should enjoy Singapore.
To me, Singapore is a beautiful city compared to Japanese cities. I live and teach in Kyoto, which is one of the less bad looking of the cities here. But still, Singapore is tremendously exotic to me by comparison. Maybe it's because I only get short visits there that I feel that way?
I'm always within a 3km. radius of Bugis when I'm there for weekly visits. But, no friends to enjoy it with. I think Singapore is a victim of its assumed image. They think it's normal to be distant, perhaps, and so they are.
Welcome opinions, friends.

I suppose it is true, if you're only visiting a city you get the perception that it's nice and exotic, cos it's a whole new experience. I know Lononders who hate London but I find it to be a great city! And def, no friends = boredom. Having said that I've always found it easier to meet people in other cities than Singapore. Still note sure if it's just the culture here or if I'm missing something. Hmmm...

mrw322 wrote:

When I moved here I had a great job that gave me lots of free time, but I was located way outside of 'town.'  I discovered and there are tons of meetup groups!  I joined a few, went to some wine tastings, expat social events, seminars, and now I have a good solid group of friends I love hanging out with (all Singaporeans!).  My experience has been that Singaporeans love meeting new people, they just need a forum to do it and these meetup groups are a great way to do it.  Some of them join the expat groups just to meet people from different places.  I've loved meeting so many new people, and my social schedule has gone from being a completely empty wasteland to bustlingly busy.

I agree that sometimes list some pretty interesting events, however there's always the gnawing fear that you'll be the odd one out or the alienated newcomer - worst case scenario cos everybody already knows everyone else! Doesn't quite help does it? But I suppose I'm up to trying a couple if another newbie would like to come with! At least that guarantees I won't be the only nervous newcomer! LoL


Hey, that's a good idea! Meet up with some people and then go to together.
So when I,or my daughter and I are there , can we contact you and go to meetup together?
However, my daughter's only 17 and maybe too young for meetup - no others her age.
I wonder how often they meet up, too.
Thanks and thanks to mrw322 also.

Just open your eye... and smile face would reach more frnds

brightnewday wrote:


Hey, that's a good idea! Meet up with some people and then go to together.
So when I,or my daughter and I are there , can we contact you and go to meetup together?
However, my daughter's only 17 and maybe too young for meetup - no others her age.
I wonder how often they meet up, too.
Thanks and thanks to mrw322 also.

LoL Yea sure, def would be able to do that. When are you planning to move here and why?

Hi abstractnymph
Unfortunately, we/I aren't moving there - only vacations. But it's still important to meet and maybe enjoy dinner or walks with people there. I'm hoping the winter, like February or so.
It's a way off, I know. Would like to come there much more. Love Singapore.

awwwi jsut love you guys.. i am totally crazy right now :d... No i am not drunk. yay

Just finished with university in India and since my parents live in Singapore thought I might go and stay with them. So I've been in Singapore for like a couple of weeks now, tried going out and talking to people but nobody seemed to be too friendly with an outsider. So i think this forum might be great for the new guys to start hanging out. In todays age networking is a great way to start getting to know people in new cities or places. SO I thought why not give it a try and let's see how it goes. Let's all plan a get together and let's see how it goes.

I am trying to make friends and I am a Singaporean but I have no idea how to make friends. Can anyone help me?:rolleyes:

็็Hi Kenneth !

Just checking if this message will go to you. Today's a lonely day indeed.This morning: splitting rain under the sun...keep yourself occupied ! by the way is it hard to find a job in Singapore without having pr ? Just got 1 year visa pass 2 days ago...


I totally work everyday ,retail working hours are too long. How can I know more friends in Singapore? :/
