Safety servant

My name is Guy Tuyaerts from Belgium and I just rented a nice 3 bedroom house in Mtwapa, Mombasa area.
I will be visiting the house on a regular base but it will not be occupied all the time.
As the house is the only one in the compound I would like to hire someone for multitasking activities around the house; open and close the gate, some cleaning outside the house and maybe a bit of gardning.
What's the best channel to hire someone like that and what would be an acceptable salary?
Thanks in advance for your reactions
Kind regards

You should pay the minimum wage, or above, which I understand is approximately
Ksh 13,000 per month.  Finding someone trustworthy can sometimes be a problem, especially if you are absent for periods of time.

my name is leah. i would really love to take care of your house when you are away
my email address is ***
kindly communicate to me if the position is still open. thank you

Moderated by Diksha 2 years ago
Reason : Please do not post your contact details on the forum for security reasons.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello,my name is Triza.35 years of age please contact me on my email address at *** if you haven't found someone yet.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Moderated by Priscilla 2 years ago
Reason : please do not post your personal contact details on the forum for your own security
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

This is an old inactive thread.
Unsafe to post contact details here on the open forum.