Maids/Domestic Staff Support

Soon to arrive in Erbil and we are looking for domestic staff support - mainly part time/full time maids. Can you advise me where we could contact potential domestic staff or who we might approach to assist us

Thanks for any assistance in advance


I live in Erbil, working with an international humanitarian organization.

Recently I hired a maid for my house. There are house maids, from different nationalities, available in Erbil.

You can contact me when you arrive in Erbil and I will connect you with individuals or companies who provide maids.


Amer Parvez.


I understand you are not agency  , I  write to inuire as well  if you dont mind to ask maybe you have an idea where I could apply as admin . I am looking a job locatedin Ira or In Afghan , I think these 2 countries are giving good salary since they under war.I came from Afghan  but my orevious company is not hiring anymore. I hope  you can be a help  Thank you and looking forward to hear you .

With warmest regards,



Yes I am not a company. I am working with an International NGO in Erbil, as Director Finance.

There are jobs in Iraq but mostly with INGOs.  You can search Job openings on
This website show all job openings in all countries, related to NGOs.

There are other options as well, like Oil companies and commercial organizations, but it is not easy to find job, unless you reach out to these companies and share your CV.  There are some local websites as well which you can google easily and find job advertisements.

Overall, I would say that the best jobs in Iraq are with NGOs but you should have relevant experience with INGOs on international positions in your field of work.

I would suggest that if you have to depend on a job in Iraq, then first search a job, contact the organization/company and once you have some confirmation then you should come to Iraq. 

Thanks and best regards.

Amer Parvez.

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hi Amer, i'm interested to know on how to get good maid in Erbil

Hi Cycler,

There are few companies in Erbil who provide full time or part time Maids.  Other than that, there is a big number of foreigners working in Erbil from Nepal, Philippines, Ghana, Sri Lanka etc,, so you can get a house maid by contacting them as well.

I can give you the phone numbers of few companies who provide house maids, whenever you need.


thanks Amer, i think companies will charge much more than contacting the maids directly. correct?

It depends on if you want to keep a full time maid then companies are better, they charge more but take responsibility of legal process etc.  if you want a part time maid then finding one directly will definitely be good option.  In the market, you can have a very good maid for 4-5 hours a day for cleaning, cooking and all household work for around 300 USD per month.  Some are more cheap but the quality of work is also not very good.

Some companies take a big amount from the client (like 2000 USD) then they provide a maid for full time and then the salary is very low like 250 USD for 24 hours. 

So, the best option can be found according to you need.


My name is Hassan am in east Africa kindly I was looking for an agency company in irib kurdistan for house maid. I will be supplying house maid with a good commission of you can connect me with them I would be happy. For more let us talk ***

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Hi everyone...looking for job as a househelp,though am still in my country Kenya but would like t be and wok there.i have 4 yeas experience working as a house help in Jordan and Bahrain.or anyle anytime.agent there who can bring me there from here am available.

I am an agent in Nigeria and looking forward to good and integrity office with good commission and salary to supply Nigeria maid

I will be happy if you can connect me with

Good office to supply Nigeria maid with good salary and commission this is my WhatsApp Number(***).
Looking forward to your kindly response. Thank you.

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Good day, I will be happy if you can please link me with those companies that provide housemaid . We can supply a good housemaid from Nigeria .

I need direct office for Iraq to supply maids from Nigeria

OK,I'm based in Nairobi Kenya and have supplied  Kenyan,Nigerian,Sierraleoneans,Togolese Chadians and you can share your number or reach me on WhatsApp.

We could partner,I'm Graham from Kenya and I would be happy to partner with you.

hi for part time i can help you

hi welcome i have one friend also from kenya his working now here in erbil

sorry your post last 2 years hhh

hi im cirrently in erbil kirdistan.. if you meed a cleaner or helper you can comtact me .. thanx a lot

@Louieza :

Kindly note that this thread is very old and that, unfortunately, you may not receive any feedback here.

I would therefore invite you to post your an ad for your job search in the Jobs in Iraq section and to choose the housemaid section.

Thank you,

Priscilla Team

Can you kindly share me a manpower office number in erbil

Please I need housemaids agency phone number in Baghdad Iraq .. Thanks


Moderated by Diksha 3 years ago
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Hi Mr. Amer, please I would appreciate if you could just give me some contact for housemaids agencies in erbil

Hallow am priscah. Do you have jobs for housemaids am looking for one and am a house maid


Hi naulaflorence4,

Welcome to!

This thread has been inactive for months and your message is almost empty, how can we help you?

Vero team

@Vero pls can you connect me with housemaid recuit agency in Baghdad I will like to work as an housemaid in iraq ....... thanks in advance ☺

Hello again Christianah,

Please drop an advert in the Jobs in Iraq section of the website.

Thank you,


Pls can u drop ur contact to me

Hello mindrestventures,

Welcome to Expat.com1f601.svg

Could you please explain why you need this member's contact details?

All information should be shared on the forum itself.


Cheryl team

Hello everyone,

Please note that some commercial posts have been removed from this thread.

Thank you,


@cycler hi Mr cycler i am from Ugandan also looking for house maid job direct from an employer. Thank you.

@cycler hi madam i am a Ugandan and also looking for a job directly from the employer. Thank you

@Amoding Grace alright

Hello everyone,

@ Amoding Grace, please create an advert in the Jobs in Iraq section of the website along with your CV .

Thank you in advance


@peterupton am here looking for amaid job or domestic staff

Hello everyone,

Please refer to the Jobs in Iraq section of the website if you are either looking for a maid or offering your services.

Candidates are required to create their CV for better exposure.

All the best


[Topic Closed]
