Gravy granules!

Hello my British friends,

Does anyone happen to know where you can get hold of gravy granules in Paris?? They have a bunch of British products at the M&S Grand Rex but no gravy granules. Sausage and mash just isn't the same without some Bisto!

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried Amazon?

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not a big fan of Amazon to be honest, so I try and avoid using them where I can. I know you can get them online, but they seem quite expensive, you have to pay delivery etc. I was hoping someone might know of a supermarket somewhere that sells them.

I've never lived in France, but based on my experience of living in Germany and the Netherlands, I never came across Bisto gravy anywhere; my Dutch wife makes her own gravy and it's much better than the stuff from Bisto.

You may have to bite the biscuit and try out Amazon; if cost is the issue, then I have nothing constructive to offer.

Perhaps somebody else will have some constructive ideas.

Get some stock cubes, add flour to thicken, bingo, you have gravy.

A quick Google found this LINK

Thanks, but I already tried M&S, one of the stores on the list has closed down, and all the others look way to fancy to sell gravy granules. I'll just have to get someone back home to send me some.

P.S. I tried just adding cornflour to beef stock, and it was not the same.

markus674 wrote:

Thanks, but I already tried M&S, one of the stores on the list has closed down, and all the others look way to fancy to sell gravy granules. I'll just have to get someone back home to send me some.

P.S. I tried just adding cornflour to beef stock, and it was not the same.

You could be waiting for some time … l-12169683

Oh bloody hell. Don't they know I need my gravy?! This is urgent business damn it.

I'm living in Indonesia at the moment, so when I want some British food I order online at the British Corner Shop. They stock all kinds of Bisto gravy granules and I think it's all pretty affordable. I need it to make shepherd's pie for the kids. I order battenburg cake and all kinds of other snacks and foods from them every now and again.

However, better if you can find it locally....

I was unaware of the corner shop so I took a look at a few products I know are available in Indonesia in order to compare prices.
I can buy every product cheaper from local supermarkets, and don't have the postage to pay.
That doesn't make the place useless as they have a lot of items I can't get, but it does mean you have to consider the prices.

In case you still haven't found gravy granules, you could also order Bisto on and get free delivery.