Re-entry after overstay

Hello together,

ny name is Marc, I am from Germany. In the past months I visited Ukraine many times because my gf is living there. I have no visa for Ukraine.

I had about 9 visits and on my last exit back to Germany I stayed for 98 days over the past 180 days, so I overstayed for 8 days. The officer at airport said nothing, him went away with my passport, returned 3 min later and stamped me out normally. I didn't need to pay any fine.

Now my question is if I can return to Ukraine as soon as i am back in the 90/180 days rule or is it mandatory to wait 90 days what some people write in the internet.

Hard to say. I think you just have to try it, like everything else in Ukraine and you will find out. 8 days is not a big overstay so its not like you made something very bad. Anyway I dont recomend overstaying.

On the other hand very little people travel to Ukraine so they may be glad to see you, especially since you are from Germany.

Probably have to do the various test and stuff when travel or perhaps you are already vaccinated?

Hello! now it is still COVID quarantine in Ukraine so there is no punishment for overstaying. but due to the law they will not let you in for next 90 days. You can wait 90 dyas out of UA and you'll be always welcome back to the country.
please PM me if you have any other questions

Hi, no unfortunately you won't be able to enter now visa free. We learned it the hard way with my boyfriend trying to enter having an overstay. So you might need to apply for visa or wait for 90 days to pass.