How does it feel to be an expat in a country that's not LGBTQ-friendly

Hello everyone!

I hope you are well.

In many countries around the world, June is recognized as the Gay Pride Month.

But have you ever wondered how it feels to live in a country that is not LGBTQ-friendly?

Have you ever had such an experience?

We would love to read your stories.

Feel free to reply on this thread or to contact me by PM.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,
Veedushi, Team

Can we talk about this privately?

hi, contact me

As an expat in China, I think this nation is relatively unfriendly to LGBTQ people.  I think part of the problem has to do with how people interact and communicate in a society in which freedom of expression is systematically restricted and devalued compared to the West.  An example from personal experience can better explain my point:
I use Wechat Groups feature to communicate with my Chinese family (my wife and her relatives also in China).  Several times in the past I've expressed displeasure in our group about types of unfairness that happens to the LGBTQ community.  I've got some one-liner comments (which were a bit on the ignorant side) but my family absolutely refuses to participate in any sort of meaningful conversation about it.
And then recently I was asked by a family member not to make those comments anymore, with the explanation that our group could face being closed.  Also my wife told me that Chinese people just do not like talking about LGBTQ.

Back to my point about communication therefore – The Chinese wholeheartedly seem to accept and embrace limiting all forms of communication to positive messages about family, school, children, marriage and similar everyday topics as long as they are related to the advancement and promotion of Chinese culture and society.  ANYTHING that deviates that, it's like there is this mental block that exists and things that do make it through are rarely committed to memory.

So what do you guys think about my reasoning on part of the causes of discrimination and insensitivity to LGBTQ people?

China is also ‘unfriendly' to freedom … men who think they are women are the least of your problems living in China !

chrave1956 wrote:

China is also ‘unfriendly' to freedom … men who think they are women are the least of your problems living in China !

I can't tell if you're joking or being insensitive or both.  Who are you directing your comments to anyway?

I am being serious … see the Big Picture.
Freedom from Chinese Communism is a much bigger issue than LGBTSHIT ‘rights'

Middle East: No such thing as Gay pride here and being gay is illegal (And an actual crime punishable by imprisonment and a lot worse in some cases) in a lot of the countries here.

chrave1956 wrote:

I am being serious … see the Big Picture.
Freedom from Chinese Communism is a much bigger issue than LGBTSHIT ‘rights'

If you're advocating any kind of human rights you can't dismiss ones you don't personally approve of.  If a leader got to choose which rights get granted and for whom, that's not freedom.  So don't criticize the need for LGBTQ rights and Communism's human rights abuses at the same time.  It just makes you a hypocrite.

For example, I'm an atheist but I condemn the crackdown on expression of the different forms of religion in China.  If it's not religious freedom for all, then it's not freedom at all.  Don't you agree THAT's the 'Big Picture?'

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