EP renewal time

  I have a question regarding EP renewal time. I got an offer from a new company and my EP got approved in 3 months - MOM did all bg checks and I also got my degrees verified from an external agency RMI. But things did work out on the joining date and the company withdrew the application.

Now my current company applied for my EP renewal and first for two weeks the status was 'pending' and then it changed to
": We need inputs from other agencies to process this application. In most instances, the outcome will be available in 4 weeks' time. Some cases may take longer."

I am a bit confused as why inputs are required from agencies again when my EP got approved after 3 months and MOM must have done all the checks for that.

Please give insights on this as EP is expiring soon and need to get renewed.


This has nothing to do with the withdrawn EP application.
MoM randomly selects some applicants for background checks.

Sorry I didn't make myself clear. I mean MOM must have done my background checks as they approved my EP a few weeks ago but why they are doing it again for my EP renewal since I didn't join the new company and decided to stay with my current company.

MoM randomly selects some applicants for background checks and there is nothing you can do about it.

The current application for renewal isn't related to the previous one that got approved. Ideally when your renewal was submitted, all the verification reports should have been submitted for a smooth renewal.

yeah I thought since my EP was approved a while ago so they would have history to see that they have done all the verification for my renewal now, and they won't start verification again. It could be verifications other than academic credentials. I will wait then :)

ExpatLahore wrote:

yeah I thought since my EP was approved a while ago so they would have history to see that they have done all the verification for my renewal now, and they won't start verification again. It could be verifications other than academic credentials. I will wait then :)

You can wait, or you can also withdraw your application (if you have time on you), re-submit with the documents to expedite.

I wouldn't suggest that, wait and see how it goes because the verification/ checks have already been initiated.

it has been approved. Thanks guys. I think the best thing is to wait :)

Please help

My EP renewal in Malaysia (MDEC) is taking more than 3 months and the old one should end by the beginning of next month....If I didn't get the approval by then that means I will have to resign without a notice and go back to my country by the beginning of next month, right?

@Foxy987654321 This is the Singapore forum, so we cannot advice on EPs fo Malaysia. Sorry!

In case you meant a Singapore EP: Your employer should contact MoM to find out what is holding it up. Processing times of more than two weeks are rare!

If your employer can prove that their operations would be seriously harmed by your absence, then a temporary (short-term) permit is possible to cover the remaining processing time of the EP- but your own wants or needs do unfortunately not play a role in this.

Even if the old EP expires without the extension or a temporary permit is issued, you automatically get a 30-Days SVP - so you can remain in Singapore, but no longer work.