Around the World in 180 minutes

Around the World in 180 minutes

This event has already taken place.
Public event
Sat 1 July 2023
- Hosted by Fairy Godmother
Around the World in 180 minutes
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Sat 1 July 2023 19:02 - Sat 1 July 2023 23:02
Kino Bosna, Alipašina 19, Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Federation of B&H, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia Herzegovine
Dear friends and guests of Sarajevo, we invite you to join us on a unique musical journey that transcends borders and brings together the diverse sounds of our magnificent planet! Prepare to be enchanted by the harmonious melodies, enchanting rhythms, and captivating performances that will transport you to every corner of the globe.
This event promises an unforgettable evening of cultural celebration, as many artists will take the stage to showcase the musical treasures of our planet. This adventure will make your hearts and souls soaring with joy.
Artists on board:
@Haris Abdagich and BalkanEros @Lirika Kafane & a very special guest: @Laura Sirani & maestro @Davide Bonetti
But this concert is not just about the music. It's about forging connections, breaking down barriers, and celebrating the beauty of our global community.
We extend a heartfelt invitation to all the people of Sarajevo, as well as our international guests currently visiting our wonderful city. Let's come together, embrace diversity, and create a safe haven where everyone is welcome. Let this be a night of shared experiences, lifelong memories, and friendships that will span continents.
So mark the date in your calendar, spread the word, and invite your friends and family to join us on this exciting odyssey. Together, we will celebrate the universal language of music and embrace the joy of connection. We welcome all of you with open hearts and open arms.
Let the journey begin and let the music unite us all!
Your hosts for the night will be @Caritas Italiana & @Kuma International
Kuma International & Caritas Italiana
Kuma International & Caritas Italiana
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Published by

Fairy Godmother
This event has already taken place.
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