Montgomery International School: Nurturing IB Excellence in Brussels

Content from our partners
Published on 08 August, 2023
Montgomery International School is an accredited IB (International Baccalaureate) school offering programs from primary education through the IB diploma. Located in the heart of Brussels, it is easily accessible from all the European institutions.

Montgomery International School is a nurturing and diverse institution that encompasses high academic achievement through the comprehensive and holistic pedagogy of the International Baccalaureate (IB).  By fostering a culture of curiosity, respect and kindness, we support individual aspirations and encourage the growth of global citizens who strive to have a positive impact on the world.

What does Montgomery International School stand for?

Montgomery International School's pedagogy is built upon two foundational elements.: academic excellence and the well-being of students. Every decision is grounded on these two ambitions, and guided by 5 principles, which are instrumental in the success of our students.

  1. Innovative Curriculum - Our curriculum prioritizes the development of essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. 

  2. Commitment to academic excellence- We are committed to academic excellence and constantly challenge students to reach their highest potential. At the same time, we provide a safe and supportive learning environment, where making mistakes is embraced, and students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone. Through such experiences, we empower them to cultivate resilience and to process setbacks as opportunities for growth as opposed to failures.

  3. Knowing our students - We pride ourselves in knowing our students. In order to adopt a personalized learning approach, it is crucial to acknowledge the unique qualities and potential present in every student.

  4. Student–teacher connection - We believe strong bonds facilitate effective teaching and enable teachers to guide students towards their goals. Therefore, we strive to implement open communication and trust between teachers and students. 

  5. Culture of care - We  foster a caring and nurturing community where open-mindedness and mutual respect prevail. Our school culture encourages the development of empathy, and a sense of social responsibility in our students.

A city school offering multiple opportunities

Montgomery International School is located in the heart of Brussels. As a city school we have access to a wide range of resources and facilities. Every year we explore the city extensively, engaging with museums, theaters, sports clubs, and other enriching experiences beyond the confines of the school. Moreover, our location allows our students to commute to school easily and to develop a sense of independence.

A strong multicultural community

We believe  a thriving school community is integral to the overall educational experience. The interconnected relationships among students, teachers, and parents are paramount in cultivating a motivating learning environment. We encourage our students to participate in a wide range of activities such as cross-age tutoring, student-teacher sports tournaments, debates, community services and/or fundraising for a special cause, etc. These activities ignite a profound sense of belonging among our students.

Additionally, we organize distinct school trips according to the grade level. These trips aim to engage  students  in hands-on activities and to develop life skills emblematic of the IB programme, such as team work, communication, problem solving and cultural awareness. They also create lifelong memories and strengthen relationships between students and teachers.

The school community is represented by over 40 nationalities and its culture is embodied by different backgrounds and systems of beliefs. Our teaching in and outside of the classroom encourages the exchange of ideas. We ask our students to challenge each other with respect and consideration, tolerance and understanding.  They learn from each other and are inspired by each other every day.

Montgomery International School  in the years to come

Since its IB accreditation in 2015, Montgomery International School  has consistently grown, proving its dedication to excellence as well as its resilience and ability to adapt through the Covid years. Throughout the years, our graduating classes have achieved 100% pass rate at the IB diploma and obtained an average ranking 4 or 5 points above the global IBDP average. These results place Montgomery International School as one of the best IB schools in Brussels.

Promoting open and seamless communication with our families, we strive to address their needs, and to identify our areas of improvement.This year we are adding an Early Years class, a dedicated learning support teacher and additional extra curricular activities. In the future we would like to broaden our range of subjects to encapsulate all the different academic profiles. 

These last two years Montgomery International school's student population has grown exponentially, and is now approaching 200. While we are thrilled to see our school thrive, we remain committed to preserving its nurturing and supportive environment, which has proven to be its greatest strength.