Best place to live in Cambodia

Hi my name is Peter I am moving to Cambodia next month, I am 62 years old but keep myself very fit and want to carry out walks of at least 10 miles per day, just wondering where would be the best place to live, I was thinking Sihanoukville but I am open to suggestions, many thanks

Battambang that would be nice city quiet and not to busy..

Would not recommend Sihanoukville- high crime rate and very unkempt.

Kep offers lovely paved boulevards as well as rural/gravel roads, and Siem Reap (particularly the riverside) has a ton of walking options (and more touristic if that appeals).


Hi         Leon 69 yrs old american retired Ive been living in Siem Reap for 3 montha and I love it. Very walkable city very friendly people many supermarkets great cafes and clean air. Im renting a modern apt with AC Kitchen fridge stove hot water and balcony for $130, I dont drink , smoke or chase women so my monthly costs are around $550-$600.  If you show up I can show you around. Im 10 km from Angkor Wat.

@ptj001 Cambodia must be the worst place in the worl for long walks: 1, because of the tropical climate; 2, because there is no place  at all where you can really walk. There is no sidewalks in towns, occupied by parked vehicles or shops, no signposted paths in the countryside.

Hello everyone,

I would like to thank you all for your input. 1f60d.svg

Keep sharing!


Cheryl team

Hi Peter - I am 69, living in Siem Reap. One of the best things about the city is that the open countryside is within easy walking access, especially on the western side of the city, you can walk for miles along country lanes surrounded by rice fields etc. I am personally not a great walker, I tend to use a motorbike, but I can confirm this place has an easy lifestyle, low living costs, and a lot of options for entertainment etc. A great place to retire - and an almost zero crime rate.

@ptj001 Hi Peter !

Nice to meet you.

As a western guy, you would not like Sihanouk-Ville where most of foreigners are chinese ...... Since a few years, alot of complaining western people quit SHV and prefer settleing at Kep, its beaches are still not too crowded except on holidays, but most are local visitors, and there are so much beautiful and natural corners for you to discover, it will take you more than 10 miles/day. Lucky healthy man you are, but when you get tired of these places and want to move to the capital Phnom-Penh, just call me to visit nice quiet apartments I rent.

Best regards,


@ptj001 Hey Peter! Welcome and hope you enjoy Cambodia. I also walk daily. I think you would enjoy the walking now out of Siem Reap city going toward Angkor Wat or away along several main roads. The city has improved the sidewalks and bike lanes significantly there and all over the city just about as well. I also enjoy walking out of the city in the rural areas down dirt roads and taking photos. The river walk area split the city and there are nice walking paths along the river on both sides and you can find really nice areas going east of the city.

I've lived in Phnom Penh and walking there is a challenge. There are only a few places to really feel comfortable walking to me. The riverside and places like Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship monument and Independence monument. Walking the city streets can be fun but it is also a challenge at times. I do love walking through many of the local markets in PP and some of the larger roads have decent sidewalks but you may find them blocked with motorbikes and people selling stuff.

I've stayed a shorter time in Kampot and managed to walk there too. I did not care for Sihanoukville personally when I was there in 2018 but perhaps it has changed significantly since then. I lived in Otres Beach then and walked the beach almost every day. I loved that walk.

All in all, I think for me doing the walking I enjoy with my iPhone 14 pro and taking photos as I go, Siem Reap has been the most fun and I feel mostly safe on the roads walking and definitely the country and rural areas are rewarding. I've had Khmer children run after me wanting their photo taken and get many hellos from people. I enjoy that part immensely.

@JaneyD many thanks


many thanks for your message


most people agree with you, many thanks for your message

@Henri Locard thanks Henri where would you suggest

@Leon French

Hi Leon thanks so much for your message and most people seem to agree with you, hopefully meet up one day

Hi thanks everyone for your help, I have now decided to stay at Kep , really excited about this does any expats live in that area , many thanks

@KhmerFuture many thanks for your message, I am now going to stay in Kep but I will contact you if I change my mind

@ptj001 I am not sure about Kep but up the river so to speak is Kampot. I think you would find some expats there. It used to be there was this wonderful little boat service that ran from Kampot to Kep and return each day. I don't remember the cost but the sunset cruises were nice and often got to eat and drink while enjoying.

Enjoy Kep!

@mpmilestogo I am moving to Kampot next month from Thailand. Tons of xpats there.  Great restaurants and nice climate. Close to the sea 🌊


thanks for your message, I was thinking of moving there in march so you have put my mind at ease, many thanks

@ptj001 how are you liking Kep?

@Leon French Leon, It sounds like you are about half way between Siem Reap and Ankor Wat. Is there anything to do? Are thre restaurants and cafes in your neighborhood? Could you describe the area a little more? I am looking at the city center in Siem Reap because everything is right at your fingertips.

@Expatse "Tons of expats" in Kampot? Ah? Someone told me "approx. 1000".