Realtor Recommendations in Crete/Chania?

Hello, looking for recommendations for reputable realtors in Crete.  Hoping to connect with a few and set up some property tours.

Thank you!

Hello Hunterbeth,

Till members provide you some referrals, feel free to have a look at companies registered in the Real estate agencies in Greece section of the business directory.

All the best


@hunterbeth be forewarned - estate agents in greece are not what you may be used to - don't sign anything that does not look fair and find a good lawyer if you are serious about buying in greece - you need to look at many properties before making an offer and make any offer conditional on the paperwork and land registry details and ownership all being clean ( most aren't) - I looked in Crete / Hania for a year before buying on mainland greece / I also speak Greek and viewed over 50 properties before making offers on four (that fell through due to the above - fifth time lucky !)

@Bhavna Very helpful, thank you!

@PhilIpZ20201 WOW.  That's great info.  Thank you.  We don't speak the language, but I've been learning.  Not enough to help me in a real estate deal.

I do have extensive experience state-side, and what I've read of Greece matches what you're saying.  We've planned a trip to Crete this fall for the express purpose of looking at properties, and getting an idea for the layout of the island, traffic patterns, beach access, medical, tourist flow, etc.  We also intend this trip to set up a Greek banking account (thinking Pireaus?), getting an AFN, and maybe picking out a good property lawyer.  Seems some of the larger real estate firms have relationships or recommendations on notaries, engineers, lawyers, etc.  I've also seen some firms in Athens, but thought maybe local to Crete would be better.

Very much appreciate your thoughts and insight, thank you for that.