Got A full time job offer last thesis semester

Hello all,

I hope you are doing well, kindly note that I have arrived to Germany on a study visas, it is a master of engineering is. 3 semester courses , currently I am enrolled in the 3rd semester, which is the submission of a research thesis to be completed on June 2023,  in addition, all obligatory modules have been completed passed with good grades. Two weeks ago, I have been approached by a large company in Berlin for a full time offer, Contract have been send and signed . the annual salary is above 65k per annum, My question is can I change to a blue card visas??, my undergraduate degree is from an H+ university from the USA, the firm are asking me  to start in few weeks, I have already send two emails with all relevant documents to the auslander asking for an appointment. But unfortunately no answer yet..

I really don't wanna loose this opportunity as I need this dream job to support myself and my family back home..

Any one kind inputs is  greatly appreciated l.

Many thanks


@aliassaad The conditions of a study visa are clear; one can do some limited part-time work. To take a full-time job is definitely allowed AFTER completing the degree - one can even stay on for 18 months to look for a job in their field of study, but beforehand is not allowed. Interviewing now to start a job after finishing a degree is fine. How is this hard to understand? One signs documents about the conditions to get the study visa.

Applying for a blue card sounds like announcing to officals that you are trying to start full-time work before completion of the degree you are here on a study visa to do. I don't think they care about "how good the offer is" that you don't want to miss. Being kind of nearly finished with the degree is not the same as completion.

I would suggest you clarify your situation with officials before you risk your immigration status. Maybe the company can wait for a few months until you have your degree to avoid problems. I don't know how one even interviews for a job without making thier status clear to a company but getting an offer doesn't mean one is allowed to accept it; or should have even suggested they would be available to start before completion. Who knows. Maybe a way to bend the rules might be found but why risk it?

You can change to a Blue Card if you fulfill the requirements.

For the details you must contact your local "Ausländeramt"- they might be slow in replying and difficult to deal with, but there is no way around them!

Since my reply above might be misinterpreted, I would like to add:

The Blue Card requirements include a valid degree. Thus you can only apply for it once your degree is awarded.