I m struggling now to get my money back

Hi I m from India . I need help . I was applied student visa with my husband and 2 kids.and I paid my fees Above 11 thousand euro in university. I have proof with account number. Unfortunately my agent put in my file fake experience letter. But uni check that and refused my visa with 2 yrs banned in Europe. I m struggling now to get my money back .I really appreciated if anyone can help . If any solicitors can help I can pay their fees as well but after my refund. Thanks in advance. Please help me if anyone got sulutions

Hi mrbbilla,

Has the university refused to pay your fee back, or are things just taking time? If you have been denied access, I would believe it was just a matter of time.

People under 30 years can get free advice here. If you are over 30 years, do ask anyway.


Try to contact KONTAKT@UNGRET.DK


Hi mrbbilla,

I have pondered I wonder what's up and down in this case. I find it very strange.

Your agent should have enclosed a fake CV without your knowledge, your application was therefore denied, and furthermore you're banned from entering the EU for the next two years. Right?

I am afraid that you have fallen victim to a scam, that your agent is a scammer, has taken your money, used a fake CV as a reason why your application has been rejected. And not being allowed to travel to Europe the next two years is mere nonsens.

https://indien.um.dk/en/travel-and-resi … in-denmark

What should I do if I have been cheated by a job scam?

If you have fallen victim to a job scam, immediately report the incident to the Indian police.

Some people on this forum have fallen victim to job scams in fictional companies in Europe and the US. The 'companies' have fine websites with stock photos, text copied from real companies, but if you take a look at the IT address it is registered in Nigeria. I have found false websites by following the persons who have posted positive reviews on these sites. I am also very suspicious of a job agency in Chennai, but unfortunately I don't know how to check it out.

If you still are interested in studying in Denmark, the contact the university directly. They offer free advice. You don't need an agent at all. The study fee 2023 for a master degree is 150,000 kroner for all four semesters (about 20,000 Euros), and you pay for one semester at a time.


@Nellie Berg thanks for ur reply. i try to send emails to uni .but they r not answering my messages. i m very dissappointed if my visa is refused so why they dont refund me .can you have any kind experience to help me for refund plesae

I am afraid that your money has gone directly into the fraudsters' pockets, and that the university knows absolutely nothing about you.

Example: The student fee has to be paid immediately before the academic year, which starts September, 1st, and you only pay for one semester at a time.

I wrote a pm to you asking for more information. You didn't answer me, but you are still very welcome to do so.

Have you researched the agency, looked up its Internet address, looked at the Google reviews, looked at the reviewers other reviews, etc.?


I understand your impatience, but you cannot expect an answer so quickly from the university. It may take a couple of weeks or more.

Hi Nellie . Thanx for ur help . But I paid from my account all fees . I have evidence . They need to refund in my account. Can I send to someone behalf of me in academy to ask for refund. If the person got my authority letter to talk with academy they can answer or not . Please let me know . Thanx again

You talk about university and academy. What's the name of the institution?

You have paid the money, but to whom have you paid the money?

Something is completely wrong.

@Nellie Berg that is happened in 2022 . Now over 6 months now . No response from IBA INTERNATIONAL academy near kolding . Thanks for ur reply

At least there is an academy of this name, but I still wonder if your application and money have stopped at your agent.

Have you looked up the credulity of the agent? Did you get the academy's letter directly, or have you only been informed by the agent?

In my pm, I offered you to look into the case if you sent me all information about the university, the exchanged letters, the persons involved. Without all relevant information, dates, money transfer, your identity, agency, etc., etc., nobody can help you

You are still welcome to do so, but you may also make a google search for advokater Kolding if you want a local lawyer.
