Obtaining Z visa

Hello all,

Im planning on moving to China (shenzhen specifically) with a Z visa (within the next 6 months or so), have been trying so hard to apply for jobs but got nothing so far. Anyone has ideas on how to obtain z visa or locate a job in shenzhen?

please advise




Hi Almond,

Welcome !

Like I mentioned on the New Members thread, please read the Living in China guide for expats for infos on job and visa.

All the best



Hi Almondduong,

it's quite some time ago (2017) that I applied for Z Visa for SZ, but I think I remember correctly that it's obligatory to have the Job first and then apply for the Visa. I'm pretty sure the other way round is not possible, but I might be wrong.

Although the economy is struggling a bit since corona, there are still good opportunities to find Jobs here. I think LinkedIn.com is still a good search tool to find and apply for jobs.

Hope the above is helpful in some way!

Wish you good luck!

Best regards, Koni