Irish getting married in Gibraltar with non EU partner

Hello everyone I'm Irish looking to get married in Gibraltar with my non EU partner. He's got Shengen visa single entry, how strict are they at the border control? If we explained to them we're just looking for getting married in Gibraltar because it's easy, would that be okay and would they grant him visa at the border? Or allow him back out to Spain cos his return flight is from Madrid, would that qualify him back into Spain for his flight home? It's too late for us now to look for Gibraltar visa and even if we got it, he'd need multiple entry Shenghen and he's got only single entry at the moment

Hello blessingjames23,

Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Gibraltar forum so that members can guide you.

All the best


@Bhavna thanks! I really appreciate

Given the complexities involved in international marriages, it is advisable to consult with legal and immigration experts in both Gibraltar and Ireland to understand the specific requirements and implications for your situation. Seeking guidance from the Civil Status and Registration Office in Gibraltar and the Irish authorities (e.g., Irish Embassy or Consulate) would be a prudent step to take before proceeding with your marriage plans.

Why waste money on immigration experts? There is no need. All you need is to contact the embassy.