What are the prices for renting

I was wondering how much rent is for a basic 1 or 2 bdrm

Hello Kristinnchristian,

Welcome on board !

Have a look at the following website, you will have an idea of the price : https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/c … na+Islands

Are you looking for accommodation ?



@Bhavna Hello. Actually, the site at https://www.numbeo.com does not have the most accurate prices - the most of them weren't updayed since a longer time range due leak of actual data about them

@mcgiwer Hello and thank you for the input.

We would be grateful if you have updated infos and can share them.



@Bhavna Unfornutatelly, I'm not in CNMI yet (as my profile states, I plan to move there as soon as I can), so I don't know what the prices are there. Additionally, there is very difficult to find any current informations about it without beeing phisically present there. In the internet the informations about the prices and cost's there are outdated (the values are usually writen over from other year without beeing updated)