Moving to Denmark from Greece


Its been some time that I wanted to move to Denmark , get to know the culture and way of living. I m Greek ,29years old and really eager to make some changes in my life. I wanted to ask how would I start searching for a place to stay and a job . Is there anything particular I should look out for? Any special website? Does it take time to get the documents in order to be able to live in Denmark or is it easier since I m coming from an EU country? I m fluent in English , is it going to be enough or should i start learning Danish beforehand? Every piece of advice is more than welcome. !

Thank you!

Welcome to the forum.

Whilst waiting for others to reply I suggest you check out the Denmark Guide which can be found under 'Discover' at the top of this page.

@stumpy Thanks for the welcome! I did that and it did help a lot , sorting things way better in my head . However, I would definitely still use a more personalized view. Thanks a lot


If you don't speak Danish, the jobs will be limited to odd jobs, unless you are highly skilled, e.g. within the IT branch. The possible jobs will be in the restaurant/hotel branch, within the agricultural area and in some factories.

Most hotels and restaurants will be found in the Copenhagen area, but the pay will probably not be enough to pay for a housing. Most agricultures and factories will be found in Jutland where the housings are cheaper and better at the price. … %20citizen


Hi Nasos,

If you want to live in Copenhagen or Aarhus it can be quite expensive. Outside of those cities that are plenty of opportunities to find a reasonably priced place to stay. I know quite a lot of people who had success on [link moderated] . Remember never to pay before you have actually seen the place as there a scammers out there.

Good luck!

@Nellie Berg Thanks for your answer Nellie. To be honest , I ve been working in tourism and more specifically in property management & concierge for the past 6 years ,whilst my studies are in philosophy.  However the type of jobs that you mentioned are the type I was thinking about in order to be able to get to know the Danish language a bit easier. I ll look those websites up ! Thanks

@Anders Jensen Noted! Thank you for your answer . I ll be sure to keep that in mind !