We just arrived in Astana

Hi, we just arrived in Astana. We are from the Netherlands but we have lived abroad for about fifteen years in Berlin, New Delhi, Hanoi and Bucharest. We currently live in a temporary apartment, but will hopefully soon find a home near the QSI school. I would love to connect to runners and/or triathletes to train with. If I am not running, swimming or cycling I am mostly painting or illustrating. We came here with one daughter (our other 4 kids are living on their own abroad to study/work). We also have a dog and would like to connect to a dog caretaker for holidays etc. I will soon start studying Russian, but for now I only speak Dutch, German, English and a little bit of Spanish. Looking forward to making new friends here soon, Gaby

Hi Gaby,

I hope you are well

I would like to say that welcome to Astana.

you will like here a lot ,, I know these days are little warm for all of us ..

we could catch up for a coffee during weekends time,, as I am working Monday to Friday.

LMK please

look forward to hearing from you .

Hello everyone, Welcome Gaby !

Please note that I have created a new thread on the Astana forum so that you may better interact with members.

All the best


@Evenjlina Christian sure, I need to settle in a bit and we are busy finding a house, but meeting new people is always nice.


hi, look forward hearing from you

@Evenjlina Christian we might have found an apartment, which would be a big step forward and we are working on settling in 1f60a.svg. In about two weeks school will start and life will go back to a bit more structure. Where in the city are you? We are now living in a temporary apartment near the Keruen City mall. I have no means of transportation right now so it makes a it a bit hard to go anywhere.


I live close to botanical garden