Just moved to Lecce from Ireland

Hi my name is Lyn. I am am an Engineer working remote. Just moved to Lecce from Ireland and was wondering if there are any expat meet up groups that meet up for coffee, cultural events, usual stuff as well as practicing my limited Italian😱😄.



Hi Lyn,

I also just arrived in Lecce and am looking to meet up with other expats and locals. Did you find anything? If not, we could start our own meetup for expats.

I am also learning Italian, but I don't know how useful I would be for practice when there are so many actual Italians around :D

Hi Paintchip, great code name btw😂.

No can't seem to find anything much. I know there is a facebook group but i have never joined facebook and not about to start now.

Let me know if you want to meet up for a coffee some evening, centro storico? and we can talk about starting our own group maybe.


I also found a private Facebook group and also don't have a Facebook account, nor do I want one. Coffee some evening sounds good. It will be like our own little two-person expat group :D


Hello,did you manage to find other expats? I'm in Lecce too with little to zero Italian 😅

Hey Im starting to spend more time in Lecce.  Will be around more from 2024.  From Uk but spent time in milan - have an italian husband so Italian not so bad.  If you set up a gtoup add me in Deborah

Hey all,

I moved to Lecce from London in October, working remotely and traveling back and forth. I'd be interested to meet up if you have started!

Hey Laura - how is it going?  We are here in Lecce at moment - heading back to Milan soon.  Will be back in March - Let me know if you are about.  Deborah