Request for sponsorship

Hi sir one of my friend from brazil wants to send sponsorship for me I m in Pakistan she don't know how to do it kindly if someone could help me

09/24/23  Hi sir one of my friend from brazil wants to send sponsorship for me I m in Pakistan she don't know how to do it kindly if someone could help me       -@adilkhansafi121123

Good evening.  See post #11 in this thread, and send your friend the model letter that's referenced there to use as a model for the letter she writes.  Be aware, though, that the Brazilian consular authorities are not likely to accept the letter or to act on it without interviewing your friend personally: … 13#5750300

@adilkhansafi121123 Your friend in Brazil can sponsor you by submitting an online application along with a sponsorship letter to indicate they will fund your visit expenses. Once you have the letter, apply for a visa through the Pakistani Embassy in Brazil. It is best to seek guidance from the embassy to ensure proper requirements are met.

I am an afghan  applying for Brazil humanitarian visa it requires to sponsor me a humanitarian institution from Brazil, please  advise Or mention the agencies name and contact


    @adilkhansafi121123 Your friend in Brazil can sponsor you by submitting an online application along with a sponsorship letter to indicate they will fund your visit expenses. Once you have the letter, apply for a visa through the Pakistani Embassy in Brazil. It is best to seek guidance from the embassy to ensure proper requirements are met.


Mary dear,

The Brazilian Consulate or Embassy, in short the Itamarary, will probably deny the sponsorship application.

As a Do Gooder, your intentions might be noble, but the advice is ill dispensed. Not your fault, but you are lacking knowledge on the matter.

The low level Brazilian l clerks are probably instructed to move these applications to a dead pile archive.  They won't even bother to issue  a "Dear John " type of reply. 

It's all in the likelyhood these sponsors are just some organized racket to smuggle Pakhistanis in Brazil by using these Honey Trap Would be Brides.

Just FYI and others around here, there is enough problems already accomodating Afghanis stationed by Guarulhos International Airport (GRU), who are literally camped by the airport's terminals, entire families by the way, let alone invite Pakhistanis. to the fold. This was in the Brazilian news for a while.  You might want to query through Google or Duck go Duck.

As of now, under the Brazilian Itamarary Asylum Status, and several Religious Denominations (  Jewish, Denominational Christians, Muslim ) are accommodating refugees from:


-Haiti ( already settled )

-Ukranians ( mostly sponsored by Christian Churches and bound to plasces such as Sorocaba-SP, Curitiba-PR, and Prudentopolis-PR ).

-Palestinians ( mostly Sao Paulo )

-Syrians  ( mostly Sao Paulo )

-Afhganis ( unsettled yet, mostly Sao Paulo )

And by accomodating it means, Language tutoring, job placement, shelter, relocation aide ( The Ukranians are being settled with homes of their own ).

If you really meant to help,, seek out one of the many organizations involved in these affairs,, namely...

NGOs ( ONG in Portuguese ) or your Non Profit type of places

Religious orders and Charity Institutions

Best of luck on your endeavors.


And Mary, by the way....

There are a few  strong reasons why the Itamaraty won't give a rat's arse for the Pakhistani''s plight....

  1. The Country's Population is nearly the size of Brazil at 231,4 million. while their land mass is about 796,095 km². The Bahia State alone has a land mass of 567.295 km² with a population of 15,13 million.
  2. The Country is mired into an economic crisis, soaring unemployment, a land dispute with India ( who by the way, the Brazilian Government maintains friendly relations with ). Yet, there is no internal conflicts ( just yet ),
  3. You open the floodgates, and mind you this is a country with a severe gender imbalance, there is no telling how many will flock the local Brazilian Embassy/Consulate for asylum seeking petitions.
  4. Close enough ( and the Chinese are taking advantage of this ), there is Russia, Afghanistan. There is actually a decent Al Jazeera Documentary on Chinese Businessmen flocking into Kabul to invest into small ventures ( hotels, new cities, restaurants ).

You are wasting you palaver dear.

Find another worthy causes to engage upon.

And there is another point o make...

When America grants asyllum to Refugees, more than often, if fall upon the State of Residence to bear the expenses to  settle immigrants  ( usuallly through the Department of Welfare and the HUD funded  Local Housing Authority ), with the Federal Government and the INS taking a minimal role.

Tax payers in No State Income Tax States bear minimum to no cost on these settlements. Not to mention most of your Tax Payer Contribution barely pays your Federal Debt Interest. Most of  the Federal Budget is barely paid by your Federal Income Tax nowadays.  Debit issuance ( Bonds, Bills )i provides debt coverage nowadays. 

In Brazil, granting Asylum means footing the bill for Settlement.

Unlike the old days when the ruling  Emperor ( Dom Pedro II ) invited over immigrants to work the farm in lieu of slaves, and promised plots of land and infra structure ( seldom ever delivered as promised, by the way ), nowadays, if the Itamaraty grants Asylum, your fresh out of the boat immigrant becomes a Ward of the State, hence incurring  the Brazilian Federal  Governement in paying for the freight, Settlemen, and the graft it brings along. 

Let their neighbor, India, to handle this.  it's their problem, not ours.   

09/30/23    I am an afghan  applying for Brazil humanitarian visa it requires to sponsor me a humanitarian institution from Brazil, please  advise Or mention the agencies name and contact thanks         -@niamatalkaosar

Here's the UNHCR's information on seeking asylum in Brazil.  There is really no other way for someone without an existing connection to Brazil to make the arrangements you're looking for:

I just read the Brazilian  law on the matter, thanks to the link provided by  Abthree.... under Bill # 9.474, promulgated by July, 22, 1997.

For anyone who can read in Portugues here it is...

Soup to nuts....

The Brazilian Government does not grant asylum to Economic Refugees, no matter how dire their predicament is. 

Basically, if you are to be considered being a refugee, then you need to prove you are being persecuted under the following circumstances....

1.Religious persectution. You country must have a minority under persecution for the pratice of religious beliefs.

2.Racial Segregation to imperil your existence at your country or residence

3.Political stance and views . Meaning you have to have a public record of political persecution

4.Sexual Orientation. You belong under the LBGT group and your country of origin openly persecutes those individuals. ).

Fellow Pakistanis, you are being misled with these promises of sponsorships. Someone is profiteering at your expense.

You stand a better chance to get a Mail Order Bride from any Russian Catalogue, than tangling up with a Brazilian. 

Word is,  Farmers from West China are taking advantage of this situation and getting hitched to Rusky Blondes.   It's on the news.

10/01/23    I just read the Brazilian  law on the matter, thanks to the link provided by  Abthree.... under Bill # 9.474, promulgated by July, 22, 1997.


Absolutely right.  And Brazilian law rigorously follows international law on this.  So if the UNHCR doesn't consider someone to be a candidate for asylum, Brazil won't, either.

sprealestatebroker Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights on the matter. It is important to consider all aspects and potential consequences before engaging in any sponsorship or immigration processes. Seeking guidance from proper authorities and organizations is always advised to ensure proper requirements are met and efforts are directed towards lawful means. It is also important to acknowledge the challenges that come with accommodating refugees and immigrants, and to respect the policies and regulations of different countries regarding these matters. Thanks again 1f642.svg

10/01/23 @Marysmith0901.  We try on this Forum to walk a very fine line -- not always with complete success -- to not be dismissive of people's understandable desire to make a life for themselves in Brazil, while at the same time communicating clearly that Brazil does not by and large welcome immigration.  Categories of applicants who have a reasonable chance of being considered for permanent residency include:

  • spouses and children of Brazilian citizens, and certain other close relatives who meet tight dependency criteria;
  • executive, managerial, or professional employees brought to Brazil by Brazilian firms, universities, or technical institutes, with the prior approval of the Labor Ministry;
  • investors investing significant long-term foreign funds in Brazil;
  • citizens of Portugal and of certain other immediate neighbors of Brazil;

Refugees with a well-founded fear of persecution as defined by international law in their country of origin and/or their current country of residence are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.   Economic migrants generally are denied admission, regardless of personal situation.

Temporary visas exist for defined purposes (e.g., health treatment, education, etc.).  These do not allow employment, cannot be extended to permanent residence, and require departure from Brazil on expiration.

Brazil temporarily relaxed requirements for tourist visas for the 2014 World Cup, and the result was a large number of visa overstays by economic migrants who entered the country posing as soccer fans.  Since then, consulates routinely deny the application of anyone who may be suspected of an intention to overstay; even if the person has an invitation letter from a Brazilian citizen, the probability of approval is small unless the Brazilian appears personally at the consulate to vouch for the applicant.  Those are the facts on the ground, and we must take care not build false hopes.

@abthree Thank you for the informative reply. It is important for individuals considering a move to Brazil to have a clear understanding of the immigration process and the categories of applicants who are considered for permanent residency. I appreciate your efforts to provide factual information and to discourage false hope. It is important for individuals to carefully consider their options and to approach the immigration process with realistic expectations.

Thakns to  all for sharing the information.

The whole perception of Brazilians being hospitable and friendly has  a double meaning. 

A few historical anedoctes....

1.Bolivian Migrants to Sao Paulo were then and now often discriminated and derided by locals. These are the folks who actually saved the garment business from leaving the country ( Bras, Pari, Bom Retiro neighborhoods in Sao Paulo ). They toil away in silence, make no fuss, go about their business.  if you want to see them, I suggest to go to Bras, in Sao Paulo, along Rua Coimbra, parales to Avenida Celso Garcia, by the Bras Train and Subway Terminal. 

2.Ukranians.  The early arrivals came by around before WW I. They were promised land plots by Prudentopolis-PR only to arrive and discover the land plots were never set, and no roads were then available.  So they took upon themselves to get it done. 

There is also a sizeable Ukranian enclave in Curitiba, alongside with Polish and Lithuanians. In Sao Paulo, the Lithuanian landing places are  by Vila Prudente ( catholics ), and Vila Buarque ( Jewish ).

3.Southern Americans. These fare way better, as they came prepared and with means. They were set in acquiring land. and were invited by Dom Pedro II, the Emperor himself. Mostly, after the Civil War, settled by Americana-SP (,_S%C3%A3o_Paulo )  and Santa Barbara D'Oeste-SP ( … _d%27Oeste)

4.Brazilian Indigenous tribes.. Outside their reserve, and whitin , they are dispensed poor treatment.  I still remember a paper article about layabouts setting up a native on fire with gasoline as  this vagrant native was sleeping by a public park bench. 

5.Haitians.  They are mostly settled by Bras and other locales around the city.   They were granted refugee status when the Brazilian Armed Forces were tasked to a pacifiying mission in Port Au Prince by the American Armed Forces.