Car with French plates / Insured in France - is this possible?

Wondering if anyone here has a car with French plates, and with French insurance?

I remember a few years ago, asking my insurance company if I could do this for my French car, and they said that I would need to cross the borders into France (or maybe EU) at least once per year. At that time, the closest EU border was Slovenia, so I gave up on the idea, and insured my French car only in Montenegro (only 3rd party insurance).

Now I am thinking to buy a more recent car in France, and since the closest EU border is now Croatia, if this is still the requirement (crossing over to EU once per year) then this seems like a feasible option.

Is anyone in this situation? Any advice?

Hi now the schengen border is very close, croatia

I would advise to keep a foreign number in Montenegro, with residence permit if you register a car you need to renew each year, it cost, takes time.

less chances to get stoped by the police also, you would like a tourist, french people have the reputation not to pay policemen, so they won't disturb you with usual tricks to try to get money from you